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Natural axion model from flavour
Journal of High Energy Physics ( IF 5.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-01 , DOI: 10.1007/jhep09(2020)137
Salvador Centelles Chuliá , Christian Döring , Werner Rodejohann , Ulises J. Saldaña-Salazar

We explore a common symmetrical origin for two long standing problems in particle physics: the strong CP and the fermion mass hierarchy problems. The Peccei--Quinn mechanism solves the former one with an anomalous global $U(1)_{\rm PQ}$ symmetry. Here we investigate how this $U(1)_{\rm PQ}$ could at the same time explain the fermion mass hierarchy. We work in the context of a four-Higgs-doublet model which explains all quark and charged fermion masses with natural, i.e.\ order $1$, Yukawa couplings. Moreover, the axion of the model constitutes a viable dark matter candidate and neutrino masses are incorporated via the standard type-I seesaw mechanism. A simple extension of the model allows for Dirac neutrinos.



我们探索了粒子物理学中两个长期存在的问题的共同对称起源:强 CP 和费米子质量等级问题。Peccei--Quinn 机制用异常的全局 $U(1)_{\rm PQ}$ 对称性解决了前者。在这里,我们研究 $U(1)_{\rm PQ}$ 如何同时解释费米子质量等级。我们在四希格斯双峰模型的背景下工作,该模型解释了所有夸克和带电费米子的自然质量,即\订购 $1$,Yukawa 耦合。此外,模型的轴子构成了一个可行的暗物质候选者,中微子质量通过标准的 I 型跷跷板机制被纳入。该模型的一个简单扩展允许狄拉克中微子。