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Design and Testing of Advanced Liquid Metal Targets for DEMO Divertor: The OLMAT Project
Journal of Fusion Energy ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-22 , DOI: 10.1007/s10894-020-00254-5
D. Alegre , E. Oyarzabal , D. Tafalla , M. Liniers , A. Soleto , F. L. Tabarés

In a future fusion reactor like DEMOnstration reactor (DEMO) one of the main concerns is the handling of the power exhaust from the plasma, especially at the divertor. The expected power loads cannot easily be handled by traditional armor solutions based on solid materials like tungsten, especially when the effect of intense neutron bombardment is also considered. Interest in armor concepts based on liquid metals has been subsequently on the rise, as they prove to be more resilient against high, fast power loads and neutron bombardment. However, engineering solutions for those concepts are very complex, and need to be tested. For this purpose, Optimization of Liquid Metal Advanced Targets project (OLMAT) has been envisaged. The project will use the Neutral Beam Injection of the TJ-II stellarator to irradiate liquid metal targets with power densities (neutrals plus occasionally ions) relevant to DEMO steady state operation, in the range of 20 MW/m2. OLMAT design will allow a series of experiments that other divertor simulator devices cannot easily perform: in-situ measurements of hydrogen retention, redeposition, vapor shielding, material fatigue, dust and precipitates effects, etc. Moreover, a high-power fiber laser will be used to simulate Edge Localized Modes in a small area, or to simulate the strike point power deposition profile.



