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Hominid sexual nature
Theory in Biosciences ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-13 , DOI: 10.1007/s12064-020-00312-8
Christopher Mogielnicki , Katherine Pearl

The aim of the paper is to identify psychosomatic evolutionary adaptations of hominids, which direct them at maximizing their reproductive success, and on the basis of which their various social structures are built. Selected features of the hominid last common ancestor were extracted; by reducing the influence of the social structure, they were defined as the hominid “sexual nature”; these considerations were supported by the analysis of sexual jealousy as a function of socio-environmental conditions. The “sexuality core” of a hominid female was defined as “selective polyandry”—the female selects the best males among those available; and of a hominid male as “tolerant promiscuity”—the male strives for multi-male and multi-female copulations with sexually attractive females. The extracted “sexuality cores” condemn hominids to a patriarchal social structure and thus to sexual coercion and jealousy. The source of male sexual jealousy is limited access to females. Hominid female jealousy of the male results mainly from the need for protection and support. Hominids’ social structures are determined by females’ sexual selectivity or opportunism and by their continuous or periodic proceptivity and estrus signaling. Evolutionary functions developed by women: out-estrus sexuality, copulation calls, multiple orgasms, allow them to obtain the best possible spermatozoid. The institution of marriage blocks the influence of sexual selection in the species Homo sapiens.



本文的目的是确定人类的心身进化适应,指导他们最大化其生殖成功,并在此基础上构建其各种社会结构。提取了人类原始祖先的部分特征;通过减少社会结构的影响,它们被定义为原始的“性本质”;这些考虑得到了根据社会环境条件对性嫉妒进行分析的支持。原始人的女性的“性核心”被定义为“选择性一妻多夫”。以及在“宽容滥交”的原始人类中,男性努力争取多性交和多性交的女性。摘录的“性核心”谴责为父权制的社会结构,从而谴责性胁迫和嫉妒。男性性嫉妒的根源是女性接触的机会有限。女性对男性的嫉妒主要是由于需要保护和支持。人的社会结构取决于女性的性选择性或机会主义,以及其持续或周期性的性倾向和发情信号。妇女发展出的进化功能:发情期性交,交,多次性高潮,使她们可以获得最佳的精子。婚姻制度阻碍了性选择对物种的影响 女性对男性的嫉妒主要是由于需要保护和支持。人的社会结构取决于女性的性选择性或机会主义,以及其连续或周期性的性倾向和发情信号。妇女发展出的进化功能:发情期性交,交,多次性高潮,使她们可以获得最佳的精子。婚姻制度阻碍了性选择对物种的影响 女性对男性的嫉妒主要是由于需要保护和支持。人的社会结构取决于女性的性选择性或机会主义,以及其持续或周期性的性倾向和发情信号。妇女发展出的进化功能:发情期性交,交,多次性高潮,使她们可以获得最佳的精子。婚姻制度阻碍了性选择对物种的影响智人