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Abundance and diversity of deep-sea crustaceans (Decapoda, Lophogastrida, and Euphausiacea) in the micronekton of Bear Seamount, New England Seamount Chain
Marine Biodiversity ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-01 , DOI: 10.1007/s12526-020-01089-1
V. R. Miranda , M. Vecchione , T. M. Frank

Bear Seamount (39° 55′ N; 67° 30′ W) is the oldest and westernmost seamount in the New England Seamount Chain. It is located in the Marine National Monument on the continental slope south of Georges Bank and is influenced by unique ecological factors and currents. We enumerated and calculated the diversity, catch per unit effort (CPUE), and distribution of trawl-susceptible crustacean micronekton (2–20 cm) in the vicinity of Bear Seamount. Sixty-six species of pelagic Crustacea (Decapoda, Lophogastrida, and Euphausiacea) were taken with large, double-warp midwater trawls at 33 stations in the spring of 2003 and 2004 and fall of 2014. Oblique trawl sampling occurred from the surface to 2238 m, with most sampling concentrated between 600 and 1700 m depth. In 2003–2004, the assemblage on the south side of the seamount was the most diverse, while the summit assemblage had the greatest CPUE and species richness. In 2014, the summit assemblage was the most diverse and species rich while the assemblage on the west side had the greatest CPUE. Rarefaction curves did not reach an asymptote, suggesting increased sampling effort will yield more species at Bear Seamount. Eusergestes arcticus and Meganyctiphanes norvegica were numerically dominant. Two species Pasiphaea hoplocerca and P. merriami are new records for Northwest Atlantic waters.



熊海山(北纬39°55′;西经67°30′)是新英格兰海山链中最古老,最西端的海山。它位于乔治银行以南的大陆斜坡上的海洋国家纪念碑,受到独特的生态因素和水流的影响。我们列举并计算了贝尔海山附近地区的拖网易感性甲壳类微动物(2–20 cm)的多样性,单位捕捞量(CPUE)和分布。在2003年春季和2004年秋季至2014年秋季,在33个站点对大型中双拖网拖网捕捞了66种中上层甲壳纲动物(十足目,Lophogastrida和Euphausiacea)。 ,大多数采样集中在600至1700 m的深度之间。在2003年至2004年期间,海山南侧的组合最为多样化,而峰会组合具有最大的CPUE和物种丰富度。2014年,峰会组合最多样化,种类也最丰富,而西侧的组合拥有最大的CPUE。反射曲线没有达到渐近线,表明增加的采样工作将在Bear Seamount产生更多的物种。在数量上,Eusergestes arcticusMeganyctiphanes norvegica占主导地位。两个品种Pasiphaea hoplocercaP. merriami是西北大西洋水域的新记录。