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Individual Ants Do Not Show Active/rest Rhythms in Natural Nest Conditions
bioRxiv - Animal Behavior and Cognition Pub Date : 2020-09-20 , DOI: 10.1101/2020.09.17.302752
Haruna Fujioka , Masato S. Abe , Yasukazu Okada

Circadian rhythms, which respond to the day/night cycle on the earth, arise from the endogenous timekeeping system within organisms, called the biological clock. For accurate circadian rhythms, endogenous oscillations are synchronized to light and temperature. In social insects, both abiotic and biotic factors (i.e., social interactions) play a significant role in active/rest rhythm regulation. However, it is challenging to monitor individual active-rest rhythms in a colony because of the large group size and small body size. Therefore, it is unclear how social interactions coordinate each individual's active/rest rhythms. This study developed an image-based tracking system using 2D barcodes for Diacamma sp. (a monomorphic ant) and measured the locomotor activities of all colony members under laboratory colony conditions. We also investigated the effect of broods on active/rest rhythms by removing all broods under colony conditions. Active/rest rhythms appeared only in solitary ants, not under colony conditions. In addition, arrhythmic active-rest rhythms were retained after brood removal. Therefore, a mixture of social interactions, not abiotic factors, induces the loss of active/rest rhythms. These results contribute to the knowledge of the diversity pattern of circadian rhythms in social insects.


