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Crinoids from the Lower (Pragian–Emsian) and Middle (early Eifelian) Devonian of Bolivia (Icla and Belén formations, Malvinokaffric Realm)
Journal of Paleontology ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-21 , DOI: 10.1017/jpa.2020.70
Sandro M. Scheffler

Two new families and three new genera and species of Crinoidea from the Icla and Belén formations, Bolivian Devonian, are described. The material is identified as Meperocrinus angelina n. gen. n. sp., from the Icla Formation of the Sub-Andina region, Tuberocrinus lapazensis n. gen. n. sp. and Aenigmaticumcrinus rochacamposi n. gen. n. sp., both from the Belén Formation of the Bolivian Altiplano. Meperocrinus angelina n. gen. n. sp. is an Emperocrinidae, a family described from the Silurian of the United States of America. Tuberocrinus lapazensis n. gen. n. sp. is assigned to a new family of Dimerocrinitacea, the Tuberocrinidae n. fam., which is closely related to Pterinocrinidae that already has representatives in Bolivia (Apurocrinus sucrei McIntosh), Argentina (Pterinocrinus? australis Haude), and Colombia (Bogotacrinus scheibei McIntosh). Aenigmaticumcrinus rochacamposi n. gen. n. sp. is also as assigned to a new family of Dimerocrinitacea, the Aenigmaticumcrinidae n. fam.; a family with very distinctive features. These data demonstrate that the Malvinokaffric crinoid fauna in Bolivia has a mixed origin, with forms that arrived in South America from Europe (Old World Realm) and United States of America (Eastern America Realm) during the late Silurian or earliest Devonian, as well as a local stock, which evolved to highly endemic lineages.UUID: http://zoobank.org/f03120c6-264a-4ae9-81e0-46bfe844e65e.


来自玻利维亚泥盆纪下(普拉格-埃姆西亚)和中(早期埃菲尔)泥盆纪的海百合(Icla 和 Belén 地层,Malvinokaffric 领域)

描述了来自玻利维亚泥盆纪 Icla 和 Belén 组的两个新科和三个新属和新种。该材料被标识为安吉丽娜n. 将军 n. sp.,来自 Sub-Andina 地区的 Icla 组,石斑鱼n. 将军 n. sp。和罗查坎波西洋参n. 将军 n. sp.,均来自玻利维亚高原的贝伦组。安吉丽娜n. 将军 n. sp。是一个Emperocrinidae,描述从美利坚合众国志留纪的家庭。石斑鱼n. 将军 n. sp。被分配到 Dimerocrinitacea 的一个新科,Tuberocrinidae n。fam.,它与已在玻利维亚有代表的凤蝶科密切相关(苏克雷菌麦金托什),阿根廷(凤蝶属?澳大利亚豪德)和哥伦比亚(长颈鹿麦金托什)。罗查坎波西洋参n. 将军 n. sp。也被分配到 Dimerocrinitacea 的一个新科 Aenigmaticumcrinidae n。家庭;一个很有特色的家庭。这些数据表明,玻利维亚的 Malvinokaffric 海百合动物群具有混合起源,其形式在志留纪晚期或最早泥盆纪从欧洲(旧世界领域)和美利坚合众国(东美洲领域)到达南美洲,以及一种本地种群,进化为高度流行的血统。UUID:http://zoobank.org/f03120c6-264a-4ae9-81e0-46bfe844e65e.