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Innovative oral sucrosomial ferric pyrophosphate-based supplementation rescues suckling piglets from iron deficiency anemia similarly to commonly used parenteral therapy with iron dextran
Annals of Animal Science ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-18 , DOI: 10.2478/aoas-2020-0084
Mateusz Szudzik 1 , Rafał Mazgaj 1 , Paweł Lipiński 1 , Robert Staroń 1 , Aneta Jończy 1 , Marek Pieszka 2 , Małgorzata Lenartowicz 3 , Aleksandra Bednarz 3 , Marian Kamyczek 4 , Coby Laarakkers 5, 6 , Dorine Swinkels 5, 6 , Rafał R. Starzyński 1

Iron deficiency is the most common mammalian nutritional deficiency during the neonatal period. However, among mammalian species neonatal iron deficiency anemia (IDA), the most severe consequence of iron scarcity, occurs regularly in pigs. Although intramuscular supplementation of piglets with high amounts of iron dextran (FeDex) is largely considered an appropriate preventive therapy for IDA prophylaxis, an increasing evidence shows that it negatively affects pig physiology. The aim of our study was to evaluate the efficacy of non-invasive supplementation of piglets with sucrosomial ferric pyrophosphate (SFP), a highly bioavailable dietary iron supplement in preventing IDA, in humans and mice. Results of our study show that SFP given to piglets per os in the amount of 6 mg Fe daily efficiently counteracts IDA at a rate comparable with the traditional FeDex-based supplementation (100 mgFe/kG b.w.; i.m. injection). This was indicated by physiological values of red blood cell indices and plasma iron parameters measured in 28-day old piglets. Moreover, SFP-supplemented piglets showed significantly lower (P ≤0.05) plasma level of 8-isoprostane, a biomarker for oxidative stress compared to FeDex-treated animals, implying lesser toxicity of this order of iron replenishment. Finally, supplementation with SFP does not increase considerably the blood plasma hepcidin, a peptide that acts to inhibit iron absorption from the diet. SFP emerges as a promising nutritional iron supplement, with a high potential to be adopted in the postnatal period.



铁缺乏症是新生儿期最常见的哺乳动物营养缺乏症。但是,在哺乳动物物种中,新生儿缺铁性贫血(IDA)是铁缺乏的最严重后果,经常在猪中发生。尽管肌肉内补充高含量的右旋糖酐铁(FeDex)的仔猪被认为是预防IDA的合适预防方法,但越来越多的证据表明,它会对猪的生理产生不利影响。我们研究的目的是评估在人和小鼠中无创补充焦磷酸三磷酸铁(SFP)(一种生物利用度高的膳食铁补充剂)预防仔猪IDA的功效。我们的研究结果表明,每OS给予仔猪SFP每天6 mg Fe的量可以有效地抵消IDA,其速率与传统的基于FeDex的补充剂(100 mgFe / kG bw;即时注射)相当。这通过在28日龄仔猪中测得的红细胞指数和血浆铁参数的生理值来表明。而且,补充了SFP的仔猪与FeDex处理的动物相比,血浆中8-异前列腺素的血浆水平显着降低(P≤0.05),这是氧化应激的生物标志物,这意味着该补充铁的毒性较小。最后,补充SFP不会显着增加血浆hepcidin的含量,该肽可抑制饮食中铁的吸收。SFP成为有前途的营养铁补充剂,在产后很可能被采用。