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Decay fungi associated with cavity excavation by a large South American woodpecker
Forest Pathology ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-21 , DOI: 10.1111/efp.12634
Carla Pozzi 1 , Mario Rajchenberg 2 , Valeria Ojeda 3

In temperate systems of the Northern Hemisphere, wood‐decay fungi are known to facilitate cavity excavation by woodpeckers. For South America, woodpecker–fungi interactions have not been explored. The aim of this work was to identify wood‐decay fungi associated with the process of cavity excavation by the Magellanic woodpecker (Campephilus magellanicus), a large South American picid that excavates on living trees. The survey was conducted in old‐growth Nothofagus pumilio forests of Patagonia. For freshly excavated cavities, wood condition was assessed, adjacent basidiocarps were collected, and fungal cultures were obtained from wood samples taken to the laboratory. All cavities exhibited softened wood. Four Agaricomycotina were isolated in cultures: Stereum hirsutum was the most frequent, followed by Postia pelliculosa, Nothophellinus andinopatagonicus and Aurantiporus albidus. Basidiocarps around cavities were of two species that did not develop in cultures: Laetiporus portentosus and Macrohyporia dictyopora. Excavations were slightly more frequent in white rot colonized than brown rot colonized wood, but this may be an artefact of differential success in fungal isolation and culturing, since several cavities that showed visual symptoms of brown wood rots did not yield mycelia of those wood‐decay fungi. As shown by research elsewhere, basidiocarps underestimated heart rot on cavity walls and revealed additional wood‐decay species living on the same trees; therefore, assessments of fungal diversity in substrates used for cavity excavation should be based on culturing and/or DNA extraction. Because fungal communities in the southern Andes are poorly known, decay fungi and their roles in ecosystem development should be studied across different forest areas, where samples from non‐cavity‐bearing (control) trees should also be taken in order to determine excavation‐site selection.



在北半球的温带系统中,已知木腐真菌可促进啄木鸟挖洞。对于南美,尚未探索啄木鸟与真菌的相互作用。这项工作的目的是确定与麦哲伦啄木鸟(Campephilus magellanicus)进行的洞洞挖掘过程相关的木腐真菌,南美啄木鸟是在活树上挖掘的大型南美小鸟。这项调查是在巴塔哥尼亚的古老的Nothofagus pumilio森林中进行的。对于刚发掘的洞,评估木材状况,收集相邻的枯果果,并从送往实验室的木材样品中获得真菌培养物。所有型腔均表现出软化的木材。四伞菌亚门在培养分离:韧陆地棉是最常见的,其次是波西尼亚邮政,Nothophellinus andinopatagonicusAurantiporus albidus。腔周围的基底果皮是在文化中没有发育的两个物种:Laetiporus portentosusMacrohyporia dictyopora。在白色腐烂的殖民地开挖比棕色腐烂的殖民地开挖的频率要高一些,但这可能是真菌分离和培养成功不同的一个产物,因为一些显示棕色木材腐烂的视觉症状的洞未产生那些木材腐烂的菌丝体。菌类。正如其他地方的研究所显示的那样,紫苏果皮低估了腔壁上的腐烂,并揭示了生活在同一棵树上的其他腐朽物种。因此,用于腔体挖掘的基质中真菌多样性的评估应基于培养和/或DNA提取。由于安第斯山脉南部的真菌群落知之甚少,因此应该在不同的森林地区研究腐烂真菌及其在生态系统发展中的作用,