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Hurricane Harvey Caused Unprecedented Freshwater Inflow to Galveston Bay
Estuaries and Coasts ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-25 , DOI: 10.1007/s12237-020-00800-6
Kristen M. Thyng , Robert D. Hetland , Scott A. Socolofsky , Nelun Fernando , Evan L. Turner , Caimee Schoenbaechler

Hurricane Harvey heavily impacted Texas in August 2017 due to an extreme amount of rainfall, especially in the large metropolitan area in and around Houston. There was an offshore storm surge associated with Harvey, and while it raised the water level in the bay, possibly prolonging flooding in the Houston area by slowing drainage, it was not responsible for flooding, as water flowed continuously out of the bay during peak flooding. Salinity measured near the mouth of the San Jacinto river dropped to 0 from 15 psu in 1.5 days after the start of storm-related outflow from the bay; the whole bay was fully freshened in 3.6 days. Depth-averaged outflow from the entrance channel reached 2 m/s. Using publicly available oceanographic data within Galveston Bay, we estimate the amount of freshwater that flowed into the bay from this rainfall to be 17 ± 5 km3 (14 million acre feet), or about 5 times the volume of Galveston Bay itself. This is less than, but close to, the freshwater input source: 20 km3 of rain that was estimated from Doppler radar to have accumulated in the drainage basins contributing to the bay. By comparison, the freshwater inflow estimates by the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) predicts 13 km3 (11.5 million acre feet) of inflow to Galveston Bay during Hurricane Harvey.



由于降雨过多,哈维飓风在2017年8月对得克萨斯州造成了严重影响,特别是在休斯顿及其周边的大都市地区。哈维(Harvey)引发了海上风暴潮,虽然它增加了海湾的水位,可能通过减缓排水来延长休斯顿地区的洪水,但它对洪水没有影响,因为在洪灾期间水不断从海湾流出。 。在与风暴相关的海湾爆发开始后的1.5天内,圣哈辛托河河口附近的盐度从15 psu降至0。整个海湾在3.6天内就完全新鲜了。入口通道的平均深度流量达到2 m / s。利用加尔维斯顿湾内公开的海洋学数据,我们估计从该降雨流入海湾的淡水量为17±5 km3个(1400万英亩英尺),大约是加尔维斯顿湾本身体积的5倍。这少于但接近淡水输入源:根据多普勒雷达估计,降雨20 km 3已积聚在有助于海湾的流域内。相比之下,德克萨斯州水开发委员会(TWDB)估计的淡水流入量预计将在哈维飓风期间流入加尔维斯顿湾13 km 3(1150万英亩)。
