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Establishment and potential spread of the introduced spotted-thighed frog, Litoria cyclorhyncha (Ranoidea cyclorhynchus), in South Australia
Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2018-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/03721426.2018.1444911
C. M. Taylor 1 , G. Keppel 1, 2 , S. Peters 1 , G. R. Hopkins 3 , G. D. Kerr 4

ABSTRACT Litoria cyclorhyncha is a hylid frog native to southwest Western Australia (WA). It was first recorded in South Australia (SA) in 2000 and has established a breeding population in Streaky Bay on the western Eyre Peninsula since at least 2011. L. cyclorhyncha is a relatively large predatory frog that presents a potential threat to fauna and ecosystem processes in SA and eastern Australia. This study examines the invasion history and current and potential future distributions of this frog using historical records, field surveys and species distribution modelling (SDM). The historical records in SA suggest human-assisted dispersal through transport networks. Field surveys throughout the Eyre Peninsula during 2016–2017 detected three native species of frogs but no additional breeding populations of L. cyclorhyncha outside of Streaky Bay. Within Streaky Bay, frog abundance appears to be concentrated around permanent water bodies, but the species is also well established in urban habitats. SDM suggests that suitable environmental conditions exist for L. cyclorhyncha in southern and eastern Australia. This, and the frog’s ability to disperse over long distances, suggests considerable potential for the species to become invasive. As L. cyclorhyncha has potential to significantly impact biodiversity and ecosystems, management strategies are urgently needed.


在南澳大利亚引进的斑点大腿蛙 Litoria cyclorhyncha (Ranoidea cyclorhynchus) 的建立和潜在传播

摘要 Litoria cyclorhyncha 是一种原产于西澳大利亚 (WA) 西南部的 hylid 蛙。它于 2000 年在南澳大利亚 (SA) 首次被记录,至少自 2011 年以来在艾尔半岛西部的 Streaky Bay 建立了繁殖种群。 L. cyclorhyncha 是一种相对较大的掠食性青蛙,对动物群和生态系统过程构成潜在威胁在南澳和澳大利亚东部。本研究使用历史记录、实地调查和物种分布模型 (SDM) 检查了这种青蛙的入侵历史以及当前和潜在的未来分布。南澳的历史记录表明,人类通过交通网络进行了传播。2016-2017 年期间在整个艾尔半岛进行的实地调查发现了三种本地青蛙物种,但在 Streaky Bay 之外没有额外的 L. cyclorhyncha 繁殖种群。在条纹湾内,青蛙的数量似乎集中在永久性水体周围,但该物种在城市栖息地中也很稳定。SDM 表明澳大利亚南部和东部的 L. cyclorhyncha 存在合适的环境条件。这一点,以及青蛙长距离扩散的能力,表明该物种具有相当大的入侵潜力。由于 L. cyclorhyncha 具有显着影响生物多样性和生态系统的潜力,因此迫切需要管理策略。表明该物种具有相当大的入侵潜力。由于 L. cyclorhyncha 具有显着影响生物多样性和生态系统的潜力,因此迫切需要管理策略。表明该物种具有相当大的入侵潜力。由于 L. cyclorhyncha 具有显着影响生物多样性和生态系统的潜力,因此迫切需要管理策略。