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Hyperspectral outcrop models for palaeoseismic studies
The Photogrammetric Record ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-23 , DOI: 10.1111/phor.12300
Moritz Kirsch 1 , Sandra Lorenz 1 , Robert Zimmermann 1 , Louis Andreani 1 , Laura Tusa 1 , Solveig Pospiech 1 , Robert Jackisch 1 , Mahdi Khodadadzadeh 1 , Pedram Ghamisi 1 , Gabriel Unger 1 , Philip Hödl 1 , Richard Gloaguen 1 , Maarit Middleton 2 , Raimo Sutinen 2 , Antti Ojala 3 , Jussi Mattila 3 , Nicklas Nordbäck 3 , Jukka‐Pekka Palmu 3 , Mia Tiljander 3 , Timo Ruskeeniemi 3

The traditional study of palaeoseismic trenches, involving logging, stratigraphic and structural interpretation, can be time consuming and affected by biases and inaccuracies. To overcome these limitations, a new workflow is presented that integrates infrared hyperspectral and photogrammetric data to support field‐based palaeoseismic observations. As a case study, this method is applied on two palaeoseismic trenches excavated across a post‐glacial fault scarp in northern Finnish Lapland. The hyperspectral imagery (HSI) is geometrically and radiometrically corrected, processed using established image processing algorithms and machine learning approaches, and co‐registered to a structure‐from‐motion point cloud. HSI‐enhanced virtual outcrop models are a useful complement to palaeoseismic field studies as they not only provide an intuitive visualisation of the outcrop and a versatile data archive, but also enable an unbiased assessment of the mineralogical composition of lithologic units and a semi‐automatic delineation of contacts and deformational structures in a 3D virtual environment.


