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Design of heterogeneous mechanical tests: Numerical methodology and experimental validation
Strain ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-05-16 , DOI: 10.1111/str.12313
José Aquino 1 , A. Gil Andrade‐Campos 1 , João M. P. Martins 1, 2 , Sandrine Thuillier 2

Standard material parameters identification strategies for constitutive equations generally use an extensive number of classical tests for collecting the required experimental data. Recently, new specimen geometries for heterogeneous tests were designed to enhance the richness of the strain field and capture supplementary strain states using full‐field measurement techniques. The butterfly specimen is an example of such a geometry, designed through a numerical optimization procedure where an indicator capable of evaluating the heterogeneity and the richness of strain information is used. The aim of this work is to experimentally validate the heterogeneous butterfly mechanical test in the parameter identification framework. Blanks of mild steel DC04 are cut with the butterfly geometry, and specific grips are designed. Tests are performed with Digital Image Correlation technique, and a Finite Element Model Update inverse strategy is used for the parameter identification, as well as the calculation of the indicator. The identification strategy is accomplished with the data obtained from the experimental tests, and the results are compared with quasi‐homogeneous tests.


