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Cultivar-specific plant odour preferences of a generalist aphid parasitoid Aphidius colemani and a possible mechanism for maternal priming of resistance to toxic plant chemistry
Physiological Entomology ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2018-11-20 , DOI: 10.1111/phen.12270
Helmut F. van Emden 1 , Panagiotis Vamvatsikos 2 , Jim Hardie 2

Aphidius colemani Viereck, emerging from Myzus persicae (Sulzer) mummies on the Brussels sprout cultivar ‘Bedford Winter Harvest’ (BWH), responds positively in the olfactometer to the odour of that cultivar in comparison with air. Responses to the odours of other sprout cultivars, cabbage and broad bean could be explained by the humidity from plant leaves. In a choice between BWH and other sprout cultivars, the BWH odour is preferred, or that of cv. ‘Red Delicious’ (RD) if the parasitoids are reared on RD. This confirms previous work showing that the secondary chemistry of a cultivar is learnt from the mummy cuticle during emergence. Adults emerging from pupae excised from the mummy show a similar but less pronounced preference. Parasitoids developing in aphids on an artificial diet do not discriminate between the odours of BWH and RD, unless allowed contact with a mummy from the same cultivar that the mother develops on. This suggests a cultivar‐specific maternal cue. This cue is speculated to consist of a small amount of the secondary chemistry (probably glucosinolates in the present study) that are left in or on the egg at oviposition, which subsequently induces enzymes that detoxify plant‐derived toxins in the aphid host. Indeed, when parasitoids emerging from diet‐reared aphids are released on aphid‐infested sprout plants, fewer mummies are produced than by parasitoids emerging from mummies of plant‐reared aphids or from excised pupae. Only parasitoids that emerge from mummies of plant‐reared aphids prefer the cultivar of origin as shown by the number of mummified hosts.



Aphidius colemani Viereck 从抱子甘蓝品种“贝德福德冬季收获”(BWH) 上的桃蚜 (Sulzer) 木乃伊中出现,与空气相比,在嗅觉计中对该品种的气味做出积极响应。植物叶子的湿度可以解释对其他芽菜品种、卷心菜和蚕豆的气味的反应。在 BWH 和其他芽菜品种之间进行选择时,首选 BWH 的气味,或 cv. 的气味。'Red Delicious' (RD) 如果寄生蜂是在 RD 上饲养的。这证实了之前的工作表明,栽培品种的二级化学是在出苗期间从木乃伊角质层中学到的。从木乃伊身上切除的蛹中出现的成虫表现出类似但不那么明显的偏好。在人工饮食的蚜虫中发育的寄生蜂不能区分 BWH 和 RD 的气味,除非允许与来自母亲发育的同一品种的木乃伊接触。这表明品种特定的母系线索。据推测,这种线索由少量的次级化学物质(在本研究中可能是硫代葡萄糖苷)组成,这些化学物质在产卵时留在卵内或卵上,随后诱导酶解毒蚜虫宿主中的植物源性毒素。事实上,当从饮食饲养的蚜虫中产生的寄生蜂在被蚜虫侵染的新芽植物上释放时,产生的木乃伊比从植物饲养的蚜虫的木乃伊或切除的蛹中产生的寄生蜂少。只有从植物饲养的蚜虫的木乃伊中出现的寄生蜂更喜欢起源品种,如木乃伊宿主的数量所示。这表明品种特定的母系线索。据推测,这种线索由少量的次级化学物质(在本研究中可能是硫代葡萄糖苷)组成,这些化学物质在产卵时留在卵内或卵上,随后诱导酶解毒蚜虫宿主中的植物源性毒素。事实上,当从饮食饲养的蚜虫中产生的寄生蜂在被蚜虫侵染的新芽植物上释放时,产生的木乃伊比从植物饲养的蚜虫的木乃伊或切除的蛹中产生的寄生蜂少。只有从植物饲养的蚜虫的木乃伊中出现的寄生蜂更喜欢起源品种,如木乃伊宿主的数量所示。这表明品种特定的母系线索。据推测,这种线索由少量的次级化学物质(在本研究中可能是硫代葡萄糖苷)组成,这些化学物质在产卵时留在卵内或卵上,随后诱导酶解毒蚜虫宿主中的植物源性毒素。事实上,当从饮食饲养的蚜虫中产生的寄生蜂在被蚜虫侵染的新芽植物上释放时,产生的木乃伊比从植物饲养的蚜虫的木乃伊或切除的蛹中产生的寄生蜂少。只有从植物饲养的蚜虫的木乃伊中出现的寄生蜂更喜欢起源品种,如木乃伊宿主的数量所示。随后诱导酶解毒蚜虫宿主中植物来源的毒素。事实上,当从饮食饲养的蚜虫中产生的寄生蜂在被蚜虫侵染的新芽植物上释放时,产生的木乃伊比从植物饲养的蚜虫的木乃伊或切除的蛹中产生的寄生蜂少。只有从植物饲养的蚜虫的木乃伊中出现的寄生蜂更喜欢起源品种,如木乃伊宿主的数量所示。随后诱导酶解毒蚜虫宿主中的植物来源的毒素。事实上,当从饮食饲养的蚜虫中产生的寄生蜂在被蚜虫侵染的新芽植物上释放时,产生的木乃伊比从植物饲养的蚜虫的木乃伊或切除的蛹中产生的寄生蜂少。只有从植物饲养的蚜虫的木乃伊中出现的寄生蜂更喜欢起源品种,如木乃伊宿主的数量所示。