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A dendroclimatological study of east- and west-facing slopes in mountainous areas subjected to strong air pollution (the Sudetes, Central Europe)
Physical Geography ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2018-11-21 , DOI: 10.1080/02723646.2018.1547872
Magdalena Opała-Owczarek 1 , Marek Błaś 2 , Piotr Owczarek 3 , Mieczysław Sobik 2 , Michał Godek 2

ABSTRACT The Sudetes Mountains (Central Europe) were under a particularly intense long-term air pollution load during the 1970s and 1980s. Intense industrial activity in this area led to large-scale forest dieback and reductions in tree growth rates, potentially limiting the use of tree-ring data from this region in dendroclimatic research. In this paper, ring-width chronologies were constructed for 493 Norway spruce trees (Picea abies L. Karst.) from 17 sampling sites within five major mountain ranges in the Sudetes Mountains of Poland. Growth-climate response data indicate that April‒July temperatures are the main factor affecting radial growth of trees in the study area. Our data also indicate the strong influence of slope aspect on temperature signal strength. The lowest correlation values were obtained for sites located on western slopes with effective fog deposition, which are strongly affected by pollution. An appropriate sampling strategy resulted in the creation of a temperature-sensitive proxy record (rAMJJ = 0.70), exceptional for areas under strong pressure from human activity. Based on a regional master chronology, growing season (April‒July) temperatures over the past 200 years were then reconstructed. Four warm and four cold periods were distinguished and compared with other reconstructions and long-term instrumental data.



摘要 苏台德山脉(中欧)在 1970 年代和 1980 年代承受着特别严重的长期空气污染负荷。该地区密集的工业活动导致大规模森林枯死和树木生长速度降低,这可能限制了该地区树木年轮数据在树木气候研究中的使用。在本文中,从波兰苏台德山脉五个主要山脉的 17 个采样点为 493 棵挪威云杉 (Picea abies L. Karst.) 构建了环宽年表。生长气候响应数据表明,4-7月的气温是影响研究区树木径向生长的主要因素。我们的数据还表明斜率对温度信号强度的强烈影响。相关值最低的是位于西坡的有效雾沉积地点,这些地点受污染的影响很大。适当的采样策略导致创建温度敏感的代理记录(rAMJJ = 0.70),这对于处于人类活动强大压力下的地区来说是例外。然后根据区域主年表重建了过去 200 年的生长季节(4 月至 7 月)温度。区分了四个暖期和四个冷期,并与其他重建和长期仪器数据进行了比较。然后根据区域主年表重建了过去 200 年的生长季节(4 月至 7 月)温度。区分了四个暖期和四个冷期,并与其他重建和长期仪器数据进行了比较。然后根据区域主年表重建了过去 200 年的生长季节(4 月至 7 月)温度。区分了四个暖期和四个冷期,并与其他重建和长期仪器数据进行了比较。