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Taxonomy, phylogeny and biogeography of ‘true’ francolins: Galliformes, Phasianidae, Phasianinae, Gallini; Francolinus, Ortygornis, Afrocolinus gen. nov., Peliperdix and Scleroptila spp.
Ostrich ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-10-14 , DOI: 10.2989/00306525.2019.1632954
Tshifhiwa G Mandiwana-Neudani 1, 2 , Robin M Little 2 , Timothy M Crowe 2 , Rauri CK Bowie 2, 3

Afro-Asiatic perdicine galliform taxa commonly and inconsistently referred to as francolins, spurfowls and partridges have contentious taxonomic and phylogenetic histories. Hall combined two putative monophyletic, but taxonomically unnamed, clades comprising 28 perdicine species known as ‘francolins’ or fisante in South Africa and 13 more quail-like species (partridges or patryse) into a single genus Francolinus, which was the largest galliform genus. Furthermore, she partitioned fisante + patryse into eight, also formally unnamed, putative monophyletic ‘Groups’ and speculated on the phylogenetic affinities of four ‘Unplaced’ species. We investigate patryse sensu lato using combined morphological, vocalisation and DNA evidence to produce a comprehensive revision of patryse taxonomy and phylogeny, a stable classification system and common-naming practice, and hypotheses vis-à-vis eco-biogeographical processes that promoted their speciation and cladogenesis. We confirm the monophyly of a larger patryse clade (including members of Hall’s ‘Spotted Group’ and one ‘Unplaced’ species, gularis) both from her fisante, and propose that they should be referred to commonly as ‘francolins’. We recognise five genera in the following phylogenetic sequence: Francolinus, Ortygornis, Afrocolinus gen. nov. plus Peliperdix and Scleroptila. The proposed new system recognises 31 species, elevating 14 subspecies to species level (Ortygornis grantii, O. rovuma, Peliperdix dewittei, P. hubbardi, P. thikae, P. stuhlmanni, P. maharao, P. spinetorum, Scleroptila crawshayi, S. elgonensis, S. gutturalis, S. jugularis, S. uluensis and S. whytei) and lumping other subspecies into more inclusive entities. Biogeographically, Asio-African ‘true’ francolins sensu lato appear to have originated in Asia and/or Indonesia and were derived from a forest-adapted taxon. Within Africa, an early evolutionary radiation occurred in subdeserts and arid bush versus primary forest, culminating in Ortygornis spp. and Afrocolinus lathami. Thereafter, there was more complex evolution in savannas and grasslands along rainfall and altitudinal gradients. This radiation was further driven allo-parapatrically by topography, rainfall, dynamically expanding and contracting forests and Lake Mega-Chad.


“真正的”弗兰克林的分类学,系统发育和生物地理学:鸡形目,Ph科,Ph科,加利尼;FrancolinusOrtygornisAfrocolinus gen。年11月PeliperdixScleroptila spp。

亚非perdicine鸡形分类单元通常且不一致地被称为francolins,spurfowls和part,它们在分类学和系统发育史上都有争议。霍尔将两个推定的单系进化枝合并在一起,组成了南非的28种perdicine物种,称为`` francolins ''或fisante,另外还有13种鹌鹑样物种(trypatryse)合并为Francolinus属,这是最大的鸡形菌属。此外,她将fisante + patryse划分为8个(也未正式命名)推定的单系统“群体”,并推测了4个“未放置”物种的系统亲缘关系。我们调查帕特里斯·森苏·拉托利用形态学,发声学和DNA证据相结合,对帕氏分类学和系统发生学进行全面修订,建立稳定的分类系统和通用命名惯例,并针对生态生物地理过程提出假设,以促进其形态和成枝。我们从她的fisante证实了较大的帕氏族进化枝(包括霍尔的“斑点群”成员和一个“未放置”的物种,gularis)的单亲性,并建议将它们统称为“ francolins”。我们在以下系统发育序列中识别出五个属:弗朗科纳努斯Francolinus)兽足Ortygornis)非洲苜蓿Afrocolinus gen)。十一月 加PeliperdixScleroptila。所提出的新的系统可以识别31种,14个提升到亚种物种水平(Ortygornis grantiiO.鲁伍马Peliperdix dewitteiP. hubbardiP. thikaeP. stuhlmanniP. maharaoP. spinetorumScleroptila crawshayiS. elgonensisS. gutturalisS.颈静脉S. uluensisS. whytei)和结块其它亚种成更包容实体。在生物地理学上,阿西欧-非洲“真正的” FrancolinsSENSU LATO似乎起源于亚洲和/或印度尼西亚,并来自适应森林的分类单元。在非洲内部,沙漠中,干旱的灌木丛和原始森林之间发生了早期的进化辐射,最终形成了Ortygornis spp。和Afrocolinus lathami。此后,热带稀树草原和草原沿降雨和海拔梯度的变化更为复杂。地形,降雨,森林的动态扩张和收缩以及巨型乍得湖进一步推动了这种辐射。
