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Precise foraging schedule in an intertidal euopisthobranch mollusk
Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2018-03-04 , DOI: 10.1080/10236244.2018.1505430
Alexander Himstead 1 , William G. Wright 1

ABSTRACT Most studies of foraging in shell-less gastropods have focused on the ubiquitous generalist sea hares (family Aplysiidae; subfamily Aplysiinae: Aplysia spp., Dolabella spp). Here we studied movement in a specialist sea hare (the seacat, Dolabrifera dolabrifera; subfamily Dolabriferinae). Seacats in each of 7 different tidepools on Isla Naos in the Gulf of Panama emerged precisely when the daytime ebbing tide fell below the height of their pool, returning to their hiding places within 1-3 hours. This short, precise foraging pattern contrasts sharply with long, variable schedule of the generalist sea-hares. Combined with their reduced chemical and behavioral defenses, these observations on seacats raise the possibility that they are avoiding predators during high tides and at night.



摘要 大多数关于无壳腹足动物觅食的研究都集中在无处不在的通才海兔(海兔科;海兔亚科:海兔属,多拉贝拉属)。在这里,我们研究了一只专业海兔(海猫,Dolabrifera dolabrifera;亚科 Dolabriferinae)的运动。巴拿马湾内斯拉岛 7 个不同潮汐池中的海猫正是在白天退潮低于其池高时出现,并在 1-3 小时内返回它们的藏身之处。这种短暂而精确的觅食模式与多面手海兔漫长而多变的时间表形成鲜明对比。结合它们减少的化学和行为防御,这些对海猫的观察增加了它们在涨潮和夜间躲避捕食者的可能性。