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Geomorphological and seismostratigraphic evidence for multidirectional polyphase glaciation of the northern Celtic Sea
Journal of Quaternary Science ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-21 , DOI: 10.1002/jqs.3189
Zsuzsanna Tóth 1, 2 , Stephen McCarron 1, 3 , Andrew J. Wheeler 1, 2, 4 , Stefan Wenau 5 , Stephen Davis 6 , Aaron Lim 1, 2 , Volkhard Spiess 5

High‐resolution seismic and bathymetric data offshore southeast Ireland and LIDaR data in County Waterford are presented that partially overlap previous studies. The observed Quaternary stratigraphic succession offshore southeast Ireland (between Dungarvan and Kilmore Quay) records a sequence of depositional and erosional events that supports regional glacial models derived from nearby coastal sediment stratigraphies and landforms. A regionally widespread, acoustically massive facies interpreted as the ‘Irish Sea Till’ infills an uneven, channelized bedrock surface overlying irregular mounds and deposits in bedrock lows that are probably earlier Pleistocene diamicts. The till is truncated and overlain by a thin, stratified facies, suggesting the development of a regional palaeolake following ice recession of the Irish Sea Ice Stream. A north–south oriented seabed ridge to the north is interpreted as an esker, representing southward flowing subglacial drainage associated with a restricted ice sheet advance of the Irish Ice Sheet onto the Celtic Sea shelf. Onshore topographic data reveal streamlined bedforms that corroborate a southerly advance of ice onto the shelf across County Waterford. The combined evidence supports previous palaeoglaciological models. Significantly, for the first time, this study defines a southern limit for a Late Midlandian Irish Ice Sheet advance onto the Celtic Sea shelf. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.



提出了爱尔兰东南部海域的高分辨率地震和测深数据以及沃特福德郡的LIDaR数据,这些数据与以前的研究部分重叠。在爱尔兰东南部(邓加文和基尔莫尔码头之间)观察到的第四纪地层演替记录了一系列沉积和侵蚀事件,这些事件支持了从附近沿海沉积物地貌和地貌中得出的区域冰川模型。区域内广泛存在的,声音巨大的相被解释为“爱尔兰海耕”,在不规则的土丘和沉积在基岩低点的沉积物上填充了不平坦的通道化基岩表面,这些沉积物可能是较早的更新世二叠纪。耕层被稀薄的分层相截断并覆盖,这表明爱尔兰海冰流退冰后区域古湖的发展。北向北向南的海底山脊被解释为一个底壳,代表向南流动的冰川下排水,这与爱尔兰冰盖进入凯尔特海陆架的冰盖受限制进入有关。陆上地形数据揭示了流线型的床形,证实了南至沃特福德郡陆架上的冰向南推进。综合证据支持以前的古冰川学模型。值得注意的是,这项研究首次确定了中兰德晚期爱尔兰冰原进入凯尔特海陆架的南部界限。©2020 John Wiley&Sons,Ltd. 陆上地形数据揭示了流线型的床形,证实了南至沃特福德郡陆架上的冰向南推进。综合证据支持以前的古冰川学模型。值得注意的是,这项研究首次确定了中兰德晚期爱尔兰冰原进入凯尔特海陆架的南部界限。分级为4 +©2020 John Wiley&Sons,Ltd. 陆上地形数据揭示了流线型的床形,证实了南至沃特福德郡陆架上的冰向南推进。综合证据支持以前的古冰川学模型。值得注意的是,这项研究首次确定了中兰德晚期爱尔兰冰原进入凯尔特海陆架的南部界限。分级为4 +©2020 John Wiley&Sons,Ltd.