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Holocene variability in climate and oceanic conditions in the winter rainfall zone of South Africa—inferred from a high resolution diatom record from Verlorenvlei
Journal of Quaternary Science ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-10 , DOI: 10.1002/jqs.3200
Kelly L. Kirsten 1 , Thomas Kasper 2 , Hayley C. Cawthra 3, 4 , Paul Strobel 2 , Lynne J. Quick 4 , Michael E. Meadows 1 , Torsten Haberzettl 5

We present a diatom record from a well‐dated 15.25 m composite sedimentary core from Verlorenvlei, a shallow coastal lake on the west coast of South Africa. We show that fluctuations in the diatom record occur in response to changes in sea level, ocean–atmosphere interactions and latitudinal shifts in the wind belts. During the early to mid‐Holocene, the system primarily responds to sea level changes. A marine community that favours high nutrients is evident, particularly during 9200–8000, 7420–7000 and 6200–5600 cal a bp, corroborating periods of Benguela upwelling linked to fluctuations in the southeast trade winds. Increases in bioproductivity (%TOC, C/N) and fresher‐water diatoms are associated with wetter conditions over the region and the northward migration of the southern westerly wind belt, most notably between 8000 and 7500 cal a bp and over the last 700 years. The latter trends are concomitant with changes in the extent of Antarctic sea ice and availability of moisture in southern South America. During the late Holocene, as sea levels stabilised to modern levels, climate variability is more strongly evident. The body of evidence further reveals the sensitivity of the region to high‐latitude atmospheric mechanisms, but also showcases the significance of the southeast trade winds.



我们提供了来自Verlorenvlei(南非西南海岸的一个浅水沿海湖泊)中一个条件良好的15.25 m复合沉积岩心的硅藻记录。我们表明,硅藻记录的波动是响应海平面的变化,海洋与大气的相互作用以及风带的纬度变化而发生的。在全新世早期至中期,该系统主要响应海平面变化。有利于营养成分高,海上社区是显而易见的,尤其是在9200-8000,7420-7000和6200-5600 CAL一个基点,证实了本格拉上涌的时期与东南风的波动有关。生物生产力(%TOC,C / N)和淡水硅藻的增加与该地区较湿的条件和南部西风带的北移有关,最显着的是在过去的700到8000 bp和7500 cal之间。后一种趋势与南美洲南极海冰范围的变化和水分供应的变化同时发生。在全新世晚期,随着海平面稳定到现代水平,气候变化更加明显。大量证据进一步揭示了该地区对高纬度大气机制的敏感性,同时也展示了东南风的重要性。