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Surface ruptures following the 26 December 2018, Mw 4.9, Mt. Etna earthquake, Sicily (Italy)
Journal of Maps ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-01 , DOI: 10.1080/17445647.2019.1683476
Riccardo Civico 1 , Stefano Pucci 1 , Rosa Nappi 1 , Raffaele Azzaro 1 , Fabio Villani 1 , Daniela Pantosti 1 , Francesca R. Cinti 1 , Luca Pizzimenti 1 , Stefano Branca 1 , Carlo Alberto Brunori 1 , Marco Caciagli 1 , Massimo Cantarero 1 , Luigi Cucci 1 , Salvatore D’Amico 1 , Emanuela De Beni 1 , Paolo Marco De Martini 1 , Maria Teresa Mariucci 1 , Paola Montone 1 , Rosella Nave 1 , Tullio Ricci 1 , Vincenzo Sapia 1 , Alessandra Smedile 1 , Gabriele Tarabusi 1 , Roberto Vallone 1 , Alessandra Venuti 1

We present a 1:10,000 scale map of the coseismic surface ruptures following the 26 December 2018 Mw 4.9 earthquake that struck the eastern flank of Mt. Etna volcano (southern Italy). Detailed rupture mapping is based on extensive field surveys in the epicentral region. Despite the small size of the event, we were able to document surface faulting for about 8 km along the trace of the NNW-trending active Fiandaca Fault, belonging to the Timpe tectonic system in the eastern flank of the volcano. The mapped ruptures are characterized in most cases by perceivable opening and by a dominant right-oblique sense of slip, with an average slip of about 0.09 m and a peak value of 0.35 m. It is also noteworthy that the ruptures vary significantly in their kinematic expression, denoting locally high degree of complexity of the surface faulting.


在2018年12月26日Mw 4.9之后的表面破裂。埃特纳火山地震,西西里岛(意大利)

我们提供了1:10,000比例图,显示了2018年12月26日4.9级地震袭击了山的东部侧面后的同震表面破裂。埃特纳火山(意大利南部)。详细的破裂图绘制基于震中区域的广泛野外调查。尽管事件规模很小,但我们仍能够沿着NNW趋势活动的Fiandaca断层的痕迹记录约8 km的地表断层,该断层属于火山东翼的Timpe构造系统。在大多数情况下,映射破裂的特征是可察觉的张开和明显的右斜滑移感,平均滑移约为0.09 m,峰值为0.35 m。还值得注意的是,断裂的运动学表现形式有很大不同,这表明表面断层的局部高度复杂性。
