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The moss genus Fissidens in New Zealand
Journal of Bryology ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-06-26 , DOI: 10.1080/03736687.2019.1621071
Howard Matcham 1

This book is the most recent collaboration on the moss genus Fissidens in New Zealand. It complements but is not a second edition of the 2002 work ‘The moss genus Fissidens in New Zealand’, an illustrated key that treated 32 species and varieties. This book covers 34 species and varieties with many more colour images and the addition of Fissidens capitatus, from shaded lowland forest from Upper North Island, and Fissidens dietrichiae, endemic to Raoul Island, a New Zealand territory not included in the 2002 treatise. The Foreword and Introduction both describe the unique leaf arrangement, within the mosses only found in the genus Fissidens. Each species has a black and white silhouette illustration of leaf shape, both alphabetically and repeated by leaf shape in descending order of width, from the relatively broad F. bryoides to the narrow F. berteroi, which is extremely useful. An excellent key to the species and infraspecific taxa follows which is based on the 2002 treatise; it includes, for example, how to interpret the subtle differences in leaf bordering. A photographic comparison of a whole leaf mount of F. perangustus and F. blechnoides demonstrates that in the former all the laminae are bordered and in the latter only the vaginant laminae are bordered: these two images also demonstrate how in F. perangustus the dorsal lamina ends at or above the base whereas in F. blechnoides it extends below the leaf apex and onto the stem. Superb illustrations (partially schematic and computer-assembled) are demonstrated for cross-sections of stems. Each taxon is briefly described by form, e.g. loosely gregarious, scattered to gregarious etc.; habitat; leaf-shape, leaf-tip, vaginant laminae, leaf-base; costa, e.g. percurrent, acute, etc.; border if present, margin and cell dimensions. Under each taxon the vegetative shoot is imaged and a minimum of five photographs of leaf morphology follows. The opposite page has a distribution map of the 12 traditional ‘land districts’ which includes Stewart Island and four more ‘distant outliers’, Kermadec Islands, Chatham Islands, Auckland Islands and Campbell Island. Situated below the map are line illustrations demonstrating the position of the leaf morphology imaged and a whole leaf mount: for example, Fissidens adianthoides is shown mounted in KOH demonstrating the orange colour reaction. The species are treated in alphabetical order with some species having whole page photographs of diagnostic morphology. There follows six pages of coloured photographs illustrating a glossary of terms. For those requiring a fuller description of species the reader is referred to Beever’s account of Fissidentaceae in fascicle 8 of ‘Flora of New Zealand—Mosses’ (2014).


新西兰的苔藓属 Fissidens

这本书是关于新西兰苔藓属 Fissidens 的最新合作书。它补充了但不是 2002 年作品“新西兰的苔藓属 Fissidens”的第二版,这是一本处理 32 个物种和品种的插图钥匙。这本书涵盖了 34 个物种和品种,并带有更多彩色图像,并添加了来自北岛北部阴凉低地森林的 Fissidens capitaltus,以及 2002 年论文中未包括的新西兰领土 Raoul Island 特有的 Fissidens diperichie。前言和介绍都描述了独特的叶子排列,在仅在 Fissidens 属中发现的苔藓中。每个物种都有叶子形状的黑白剪影插图,按字母顺序并按叶子形状按宽度降序重复,从相对较宽的 F. bryoides 到狭窄的 F. berteroi,非常有用。以下是基于 2002 年论文的物种和种下分类群的极好关键;例如,它包括如何解释叶子边界的细微差异。F. perangustus 和 F. blechnoides 的整个叶片的照片比较表明,前者所有叶片都有边界,而后者只有阴道叶片有边界:这两个图像也展示了 F. perangustus 的背板是如何形成的在基部或基部上方结束,而在 F. blechnoides 中,它延伸到叶尖下方和茎上。茎的横截面展示了精湛的插图(部分示意图和计算机组装)。每个分类单元都按形式简要描述,例如松散群居、分散到群居等;栖息地; 叶形、叶尖、阴道叶片、叶基;肋骨,例如 percurrent、acute 等;边框(如果存在)、边距和单元格尺寸。在每个分类单元下,对营养枝条进行成像,并至少附有五张叶片形态的照片。另一页有 12 个传统“陆地区”的分布图,其中包括斯图尔特岛和四个更远的“离群点”,克马德克群岛、查塔姆群岛、奥克兰群岛和坎贝尔岛。位于地图下方的线条插图展示了成像的叶片形态和整个叶片的位置:例如,Fissidens adianthoides 显示在 KOH 中,展示了橙色反应。物种按字母顺序处理,某些物种具有诊断形态的整页照片。接下来是六页彩色照片,说明了术语表。