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Permian felsic magmatism in the Neoproterozoic Nagar Parkar Igneous Complex of the Malani Igneous Suite: Evidence from zircon U–Pb age
Island Arc ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2019-09-30 , DOI: 10.1111/iar.12323
Hafiz U. Rehman, Tahseenullah Khan, Hao‐Yang Lee, Sun‐Lin Chung, Mamoru Murata, M. Qasim Jan

We report Permian (ca. 272 Ma ±5.4 Ma) felsic dykes that intrude into the Neoproterozoic (ca. 750 Ma) magmatic suite of the Nagar Parkar Igneous Complex (NPIC), the western extension of the Malani Igneous Suite (MIS). The NPIC consists of Neoproterozoic basement amphibolites and granites (riebeckite–aegirine gray granites and the biotite–hornblende pink granites), all of which are intruded by several generations of mafic and felsic dykes. Granitic magmatism occurred in the Late Neoproterozoic (ca. 750 Ma) due to the subduction‐, followed by the rift‐related tectonic regime during the breakup of the Rodinia supercontinent. U–Th–Pb zircon and monazite CHIME age data of 700–800 Ma from the earlier generation porphyritic felsic dykes suggest the dyke intrusion was coeval or soon after the emplacement of the host granites. Our findings of Permian age orthophyric felsic dykes provide new insights for the prevalence of active tectonics in the MIS during late Paleozoic. Textural features and geochemistry also make the orthophyric dykes distinct from the early‐formed porphyritic dykes and the host granites. Our newly obtained age data combined with geochemistry, suggest the existence of magmatism along the western margin of India (peri‐Gondwana margin) during Permian. Like elsewhere in the region, the Permian magmatism in the NPIC could be associated with the rifting of the Cimmerian micro‐continents from the Gondwana.



我们报告说,二叠纪(272 Ma±5.4 Ma)的长英质岩脉侵入了Nagar Parkar火成岩(NPIC)的新元古代(750 Ma)岩浆组,是马拉尼火成岩组(MIS)的西延。NPIC由新元古代基底的角闪岩和花岗岩(里贝克岩–灰褐色花岗岩和黑云母–角闪粉粉红色花岗岩)组成,所有这些都被几代铁镁质岩质岩浆岩岩浆岩侵入。花岗岩岩浆作用发生在新元古代晚期(ca。750 Ma)是由于俯冲作用引起的,随后是在Rodinia超大陆分裂过程中与裂谷有关的构造体制。较早的斑状长素体岩脉的U–Th–Pb锆石和独居石CHIME年龄数据为700–800 Ma,表明该岩脉侵入是同代的或在宿主花岗岩侵占后不久。我们对二叠纪年龄正体长统长堤的发现为古生代晚期MIS中活跃构造的流行提供了新的见解。质地特征和地球化学也使原卟啉堤与早期形成的斑状堤和宿主花岗岩区分开。我们最新获得的年龄数据与地球化学相结合,表明二叠纪期间印度西部边缘(peri-Gondwana边缘)存在岩浆作用。像该地区的其他地方一样,