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The larva of Perissolestes remotus (Williamson & Williamson, 1924) (Zygoptera: Perilestidae)
International Journal of Odonatology ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2018-07-03 , DOI: 10.1080/13887890.2018.1511481
Jareth Román-Heracleo 1 , Monika Springer 2 , Alonso Ramírez 3

The larva of Perissolestes remotus is described for the first time based on Costa Rican specimens collected in forested streams with abundant organic matter. It is characterized by a slender, elongated body, with lateral keels on abdominal segments 1–9, and a middorsal row of spines on segments 4–10. We also provide additional notes on the larvae of P. magdalenae using material from Panama. The larva is similar to the only other species of Perissolestes present in Mexico and Central America, P. magdalenae, but can be separated by the articulation of the prementum-postmentum reaching the metacoxa (reaching the mesocoxa in P. magdalenae) and the female gonapophyses exceeding past the posterior margin of S10 (just reaching posterior margin in P. magdalenae). At the generic level, Perissolestes can be differentiated from Perilestes by the presence of abdominal keels on segments 1–9 (from 4–9 in Perilestes) and by having caudal gills with small spines along the medial trachea (spines absent in Perilestes).


Perissolestes remotus 的幼虫 (Williamson & Williamson, 1924) (Zygoptera: Perilestidae)

Perissolestes remotus 的幼虫首次根据哥斯达黎加标本进行描述,这些标本在富含有机物的森林溪流中收集。它的特点是身体细长,腹部1-9节有侧龙骨,4-10节有背中排刺。我们还使用巴拿马的材料提供了关于 P. magdalenae 幼虫的附加说明。幼虫与墨西哥和中美洲存在的唯一其他 Perissolestes 物种 P. magdalenae 相似,但可以通过到达后轴(到达 P. magdalenae 的中轴)和雌性生殖器的前体-后体的关节分离超过 S10 的后缘(刚好到达 P. magdalenae 的后缘)。在通用层面,