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Beyond individual intelligence tests: Application of Cattell-Horn-Carroll Theory
Intelligence ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.intell.2020.101433
Jacqueline M. Caemmerer , Timothy Z. Keith , Matthew R. Reynolds

Abstract The purpose of this study was to examine the applicability of Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) theory across six intelligence tests to better understand the cognitive abilities at a broad construct level, as opposed to narrow test level. Nearly 4000 youth aged 6 to 18 were drawn from seven tests' standardization and linking samples and missing data techniques were used to complete cross-battery analyses. Cross-battery confirmatory factor analyses demonstrated support for a CHC model when the Differential Abilities Scale, Second Edition, Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children, Second Edition, Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, Third, Fourth, and Fifth Editions, and Woodcock–Johnson III Tests of Cognitive Abilities were analyzed simultaneously. All but one of the 66 subtests mapped on the CHC broad abilities in accordance with prior CHC classifications. Results also indicated overall intelligence (g) and fluid reasoning (Gf) were statistically indistinguishable. Findings provide further support that the CHC taxonomy is useful for intelligence test classification, interpretation, and development.



摘要 本研究的目的是检验 Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) 理论在六项智力测试中的适用性,以更好地理解广义建构层面的认知能力,而不是狭隘的测试层面。近 4000 名 6 至 18 岁的青年从七项测试的标准化和链接样本中抽取,并使用缺失数据技术完成跨电池分析。当差异能力量表第二版、考夫曼儿童评估电池第二版、韦克斯勒儿童智力量表第三版、第四版和第五版以及伍德​​科克-约翰逊三世测验时,跨电池验证性因素分析证明了对 CHC 模型的支持的认知能力同时进行分析。根据先前的 CHC 分类,66 个子测试中的所有子测试都映射到 CHC 广泛能力上。结果还表明整体智力 (g) 和流体推理 (Gf) 在统计上无法区分。调查结果进一步支持 CHC 分类法对智力测试分类、解释和开发有用。