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Minimising emissions to water bodies from NW European greenhouses; with focus on Dutch vegetable cultivation
Agricultural Water Management ( IF 5.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.agwat.2020.106398
Caroline van der Salm , Wim Voogt , Ellen Beerling , Jim van Ruijven , Erik van Os

Abstract In large parts of the Netherlands surface water quality does not meet the chemical and ecological standards as indicated by the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD). The largest exceedances were found in areas with greenhouse horticulture, flower bulbs, fruit trees and ornamental trees. Several regulations have been implemented to improve water quality in greenhouse areas, leading finally to a target for zero emission of nutrients by 2027 in soilless cultivation and rules to minimise losses in soil bound cultivation. In addition to that an obligation exists to remove plant protection products (PPPs) from drain water by 2018 onwards. For soilless cultivation a Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) system gives the best options to reach these goals. For soil-bound cultivation the situation is more complicated and a combination of tools and measurements to help the farmer to tune irrigation to crop demand is most promising. These approaches will lead to a substantial decrease in losses of nutrients and PPPs to surface water. However, it is uncertain whether this will lead to the desired reduction in emissions and the water quality standards of the WFD in 2027. Obstacles might be problems with soil-bound cultivation, leakages in soilless cultivation and sodium limitations in certain crops.



摘要 荷兰大部分地区的地表水水质不符合欧盟水框架指令 (WFD) 规定的化学和生态标准。在温室园艺、花卉球茎、果树和观赏树木的地区发现了最大的超标。已经实施了几项法规来改善温室地区的水质,最终实现了到 2027 年在无土栽培中实现营养物质零排放的目标,并制定了最大限度减少土壤束缚栽培损失的规则。除此之外,还有义务在 2018 年之前从排水中去除植物保护产品 (PPP)。对于无土栽培,零液体排放 (ZLD) 系统是实现这些目标的最佳选择。对于土壤种植,情况更为复杂,结合工具和测量来帮助农民根据作物需求调整灌溉是最有希望的。这些方法将导致营养物质和 PPPs 向地表水的损失显着减少。然而,这是否会导致 2027 年 WFD 预期的排放量减少和水质标准的实现尚不确定。障碍可能是土壤种植问题、无土栽培中的渗漏和某些作物的钠限制。