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The Floodscale experiment in the small catchment of Valescure, France: An overview of the isotopic and geochemical data base
Geoscience Data Journal ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2018-10-29 , DOI: 10.1002/gdj3.57
Christophe Bouvier 1 , Nicolas Patris 1 , Rémi Freydier 1 , Christelle Guilhe-Batiot 1 , Jean-Luc Seidel 1 , Jean-Denis Taupin 1 , Pascal Brunet 1 , Aurore Remes 1

A 3‐year survey has been performed in the Cévennes mountain area, in the South of France, in order to separate surface, shallow sub‐surface and groundwater contributions to the flash flood processes. Electrical conductivity, temperature, pH, major and trace elements, total organic carbon and stable isotopes of water were monitored during low flows and floods, in the small (3.9 km2) granitic catchment of Valescure (Gard, France). The data collected during the campaign are widely presented, in relation to the different hydrological compartments (rainfall, shallow soil water, groundwater, streamwater). This constitutes at present the most complete hydrogeochemical database in the Cévennes area, available within the Hymex data base https://mistrals.sedoo.fr/HyMeX/(Valescure chemistry and water isotopes), DOI of the referenced dataset:https://doi.org/10.6096/MISTRALS-HyMeX.1406.



在法国南部的塞文山脉地区进行了为期三年的调查,目的是将地表,浅层地下和地下水对山洪暴发过程的贡献分开。在小流量(3.9 km 2)下,在低流量和洪水期间监测电导率,温度,pH,主要和微量元素,总有机碳和水的稳定同位素)Valescure(Gard,法国)的花岗岩流域。竞选期间收集的数据被广泛介绍,涉及不同的水文区划(降雨,浅层土壤水,地下水,河水)。这构成了目前在塞文山脉地区最完整的水文地球化学数据库,可在Hymex数据库https://mistrals.sedoo.fr/HyMeX/(Valescure化学和水同位素),参考数据集的DOI中找到:https:// doi.org/10.6096/MISTRALS-HyMeX.1406。