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Long‐term weather, streamflow, and water chemistry datasets for hydrological modelling applications at the upper La Salle River watershed in Manitoba, Canada
Geoscience Data Journal ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-04-01 , DOI: 10.1002/gdj3.67
Marcos R. C. Cordeiro 1 , Jason A. Vanrobaeys 2 , Henry F. Wilson 3

Long‐term weather (1990–2013), streamflow (1990–2013; excluding 7 years with no or poor data), and water chemistry (2009–2013) datasets for hydrological modelling applications were developed using simple methods for the upper La Salle River watershed, in Canada, to address the lack of such datasets in the northern Red River Basin. Weather variables consist of temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, solar radiation, and precipitation disaggregated to an hourly time‐step. The only hydrometric variable included in the dataset is stream discharge in a daily time‐step. Water chemistry data consisted of total nitrogen (TN), total dissolved nitrogen (TDN), total phosphorus (TP), and total dissolved phosphorus (TDP). Samples were collected weekly during the open water season at the same site as the hydrometric gauging station from August 2009 to October 2012 with some gaps (i.e. Fall 2011, Spring 2012, September 2012). In 2013 the sampling frequency was increased to daily or sub‐daily during high stream discharge and weekly during low stream discharge. A data overview indicates values within ranges reported for the area. Mean annual, winter, and summer temperatures were 3.5, −10.7, and 17.2°C, respectively. Annual relative humidity averaged 73.1% but was higher and more homogenous in cold seasons. Wind speed was similar over the year with annual average of 4.3 m/s. Solar radiation followed the typical curve reported for western Canada, with peak daily average values around 250 W/m2 in July. Precipitation records were mostly comprised of dry hours with 75.3% of the events being equal or less than 2 mm/h. Stream discharge was typical of the Canadian Prairies; the average peak discharge over the entire period was larger in April (2.3 m3/s) due to large amounts of snowmelt runoff. Average concentrations of TN, TDN, TP, and TDP of 1.54, 1.35, 0.56, and 0.49 mg/L, respectively, were in agreement with values found in previous studies at the site.



使用简单的方法为拉萨尔河上游开发了长期水文(1990–2013),水流(1990–2013;不包括7年的数据,即无数据或质量较差)和水化学(2009–2013)数据集在加拿大的分水岭,以解决北部红河盆地缺乏此类数据集的问题。天气变量由温度,相对湿度,风速,太阳辐射和降水量组成,并按小时细分。数据集中唯一包含的水文变量是每天时间流中的河流流量。水化学数据包括总氮(TN),总溶解氮(TDN),总磷(TP)和总溶解磷(TDP)。从2009年8月至2012年10月,在水位测量站的同一地点,每周在开放水域采集样品,但有一些差距(即2011年秋季,2012年春季,2012年9月)。2013年,高流量排放期间的采样频率增加到每天或次日,低流量排放期间的采样频率增加到每周一次。数据概览指示该区域报告的范围内的值。年平均,冬季和夏季的温度分别为3.5,-10.7和17.2°C。年相对湿度平均为73.1%,但在寒冷季节更高且更均匀。一年中的风速相似,年平均为4.3 m / s。太阳辐射遵循加拿大西部报道的典型曲线,日峰值峰值约为250 W / m 2013年,高流量排放期间的采样频率增加到每天或次日,低流量排放期间的采样频率增加到每周一次。数据概览指示该区域报告的范围内的值。年平均,冬季和夏季的温度分别为3.5,-10.7和17.2°C。年相对湿度平均为73.1%,但在寒冷季节更高且更均匀。一年中的风速相似,年平均为4.3 m / s。太阳辐射遵循加拿大西部报道的典型曲线,日峰值峰值约为250 W / m 2013年,高流量排放期间的采样频率增加到每天或次日,低流量排放期间的采样频率增加到每周一次。数据概览指示该区域报告的范围内的值。年平均,冬季和夏季的温度分别为3.5,-10.7和17.2°C。年相对湿度平均为73.1%,但在寒冷季节更高且更均匀。一年中的风速相似,年平均为4.3 m / s。太阳辐射遵循加拿大西部报道的典型曲线,日峰值峰值约为250 W / m 年相对湿度平均为73.1%,但在寒冷季节更高且更均匀。一年中的风速相似,年平均为4.3 m / s。太阳辐射遵循加拿大西部报道的典型曲线,日峰值峰值约为250 W / m 年相对湿度平均为73.1%,但在寒冷季节更高且更均匀。一年中的风速相似,年平均为4.3 m / s。太阳辐射遵循加拿大西部报道的典型曲线,日峰值峰值约为250 W / m7月2日。降水记录大部分由干燥小时组成,其中75.3%的事件等于或小于2 mm / h。溪流排放是加拿大大草原的典型现象。由于大量融雪径流,整个四月的平均峰值排放量更大(2.3 m 3 / s)。TN,TDN,TP和TDP的平均浓度分别为1.54、1.35、0.56和0.49 mg / L,与该站点先前研究中发现的值一致。