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Bartonian orthophragminids with new endemic species from the Pirkoh and Drazinda formations in the Sulaiman Range, Indus Basin, Pakistan
Geodinamica Acta Pub Date : 2018-01-01 , DOI: 10.1080/09853111.2017.1419676
Nowrad Ali 1, 2 , Ercan Özcan 3 , Ali Osman Yücel 3 , Muhammad Hanif 2 , Syed Irfanullah Hashmi 1 , Farhat Ullah 1 , Muhammad Rizwan 2 , Johannes Pignatti 4

Abstract The Pirkoh and Drazinda formations in the Sulaiman Range, central Pakistan, yielded assemblages of (early) Bartonian orthophragminids, characterized predominantly by discocyclinids with a significant number of species probably endemic to Indian Subcontinent. The rarity of Asterocyclina and the absence of Orbitoclypeus and Nemkovella are noteworthy. Ten species of Discocyclina Gümbel and two species of Asterocyclina Gümbel, referable to the Shallow Benthics Zone (SBZ) 17 are described for the first time from Pakistan. The discocyclinids, i.e. Discocyclina praeomphalus, D. sulaimanensis, D. kutchensis, along with the new taxa established here, D. zindapirensis sp. nov., D. rakhinalaensis sp. nov., and D. pseudodispansa sp. nov., seem to be confined to the Indo-Pakistani region (Eastern Tethys). The Discocyclina dispansa, D. discus, D. nandori, and D. augustae lineages known from Western Tethys are also common in the Indian Subcontinent, as are asterocyclinids, such as Asterocyclina sireli and A. stellata. The upper part of the Drazinda Formation (‘Pellatispira beds’), referable to latest Bartonian and/or the early Priabonian, is poor in orthophragminids and is characterized by the occurrence of reticulate Nummulites, Heterostegina, Pellatispira and Silvestriella. The records of ‘Lepidocyclina of Caribbean affinity’ with large embryons from the Eocene of the Indian Subcontinent correspond to misidentified Discocyclina discus.


巴基斯坦印度河流域苏莱曼山脉 Pirkoh 和 Drazinda 地层新特有种的 Bartonian orthophragminids

摘要 巴基斯坦中部苏莱曼山脉的 Pirkoh 和 Drazinda 地层产生了(早期)Bartonian orthophragminids 的组合,其主要特征是盘环类,其中有大量可能是印度次大陆特有的物种。Asterocyclina 的稀有性以及 Orbitoclypeus 和 Nemkovella 的缺失值得注意。巴基斯坦首次描述了属于浅底栖动物区 (SBZ) 17 的十种 Discocyclina Gümbel 和两种 Asterocyclina Gümbel。Discocyclinids,即 Discocyclina praeomphalus、D. sulaimanensis、D. kutchensis,以及在这里建立的新分类群 D. zindapirensis sp。nov., D. rakhinalaensis sp. 11 月,和 D.pseudodisspansa sp。11 月,似乎仅限于印巴地区(东特提斯)。Discocyclina dispansa, D. discus, D. nandori 和 D. augustae 谱系在印度次大陆也很常见,星环类属,如 Asterocyclina sireli 和 A. stellata。Drazinda 组的上部('Pellatispira 层'),指的是晚期巴托阶和/或早期的 Priabonian,缺少 orthophragminids,以网状 Nummulites、Heterostegina、Pellatispira 和 Silvestriella 的出现为特征。带有来自印度次大陆始新世的大型胚胎的“加勒比海缘鳞环藻”的记录对应于错误识别的 Discocyclina 铁饼。指的是最新的巴顿纪和/或早期的普里阿波尼纪,在orthophragminids 中较差,其特征是网状Nummulites、Heterostegina、Pellatispira 和Silvestriella 的出现。带有来自印度次大陆始新世的大型胚胎的“加勒比海缘鳞环藻”的记录对应于错误识别的 Discocyclina 铁饼。指的是最新的巴顿纪和/或早期的普里阿波尼纪,在orthophragminids 中较差,其特征是网状Nummulites、Heterostegina、Pellatispira 和Silvestriella 的出现。带有来自印度次大陆始新世的大型胚胎的“加勒比海缘鳞环藻”的记录对应于错误识别的 Discocyclina 铁饼。