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Bartonian orthophragminids from the Fulra Limestone (Kutch, W India) and coeval units in Sulaiman Range, Pakistan: a synthesis of shallow benthic zone (SBZ) 17 for the Indian Subcontinent
Geodinamica Acta Pub Date : 2018-01-01 , DOI: 10.1080/09853111.2018.1443654
Ercan Özcan 1 , Pratul Kumar Saraswati 2 , Ali Osman Yücel 1 , Nowrad Ali 3, 4 , Muhammad Hanif 4

Abstract Orthophragminids from the Bartonian Fulra Limestone in Kutch, India and the coeval units in Sulaiman Range in Pakistan suggest the establishment of a significant number of endemic species in the Indian subcontinent (Eastern Tethys). Among a total of fifteen species of Discocyclina, Orbitoclypeus and Asterocyclina, six of them appear to be confined to Indian subcontinent while seven species are common both to the peri-Mediterranean/Europe region (Western Tethys) and Indian subcontinent. Two species, Asterocyclina sireli, a four-ribbed species of possibly Indo-Pacific origin, and Orbitoclypeus haynesi that form large populations in Fulra Limestone, appear to have spread into North Africa and Turkey but not into European platforms as a response to Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum (MECO). The lack of Lutetian and Priabonian fauna in the studied sections, either due to a hiatus or unsuitable depositional environments, hampers the establishment of the actual stratigraphic ranges of the identified taxa. Our record provides us to characterize the orthophragminids in shallow benthic zone (SBZ) 17 for Eastern Tethys in detail by comparing the data from the above localities with those from the North Africa, Europe and Turkey, showing the change in diversity.


来自 Fulra Limestone(Kutch,W India)的 Bartonian orthophragminids 和巴基斯坦苏莱曼山脉的同时代单位:印度次大陆浅底栖带 (SBZ) 17 的综合

摘要 来自印度 Kutch 的 Bartonian Fulra Limestone 和巴基斯坦 Sulaiman Range 的同时代单位的 Orthophragminids 表明在印度次大陆(东特提斯群岛)建立了大量的特有物种。在总共 15 种 Discocyclina、Orbitoclypeus 和 Asterocyclina 中,其中 6 种似乎仅限于印度次大陆,而 7 种在地中海/欧洲地区(西特提斯)和印度次大陆都很常见。两个物种,Asterocyclina sireli,一种可能起源于印度太平洋的四肋物种,以及在 Fulra Limestone 中形成大量种群的 Orbitoclypeus haynesi,似乎已经扩散到北非和土耳其,但没有扩散到欧洲平台作为对中始新世气候的反应最佳 (MECO)。由于间断或不合适的沉积环境,在所研究的剖面中缺乏卢特阶和普里亚博阶动物群,阻碍了确定已识别分类群的实际地层范围的建立。我们的记录使我们能够通过将上述地区的数据与北非、欧洲和土耳其的数据进行比较,详细描述东特提斯浅底栖带 (SBZ) 17 中的正虫类,显示多样性的变化。