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GFF ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-10-02 , DOI: 10.1080/11035897.2019.1663917
Victoria Pease 1

Despite our continuing on-shore and off-shore research efforts in the Arctic, our basic knowledge of earth science of the Arctic realm remains limited due to its remote and difficult accessibility, expensive and complicated logistics (working on boats, in sea ice, from helicopters, dealing with polar bears, etc.), and at times political constraints. We still debate fundamental issues such as how and when the Arctic Ocean basin formed and what type of rocks constitute it’s features; correlation of tectonic terranes and stratigraphy; glacial, Arctic Ocean ice, and sea level history; paleontology and archaeology; past climates; and extent and status of paraglacial environments and the cryosphere. The study of Arctic earth science is essential to understanding many aspects of the history and future of Earth, as well as its resource potential, environmental sensitivities, and claims to extended continental shelf territory under UNCLOS Article 76. The International Conference on Arctic Margins (ICAM) was founded by the U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (formerly Minerals Management Service) in 1991, a time when research in the Arctic was entering a new phase of openness and cooperation to foster understanding and international collaboration in Arctic earth science. It has since become the premier conference dedicated to Arctic earth science. ICAM is an ad hoc independent forum and is not affiliated with any one organization or government. It is organized, hosted, funded and conducted by scientists for scientists on a volunteer basis, which makes it a unique forum. The U.S. hosted the first meeting in 1992 in Anchorage, Alaska, which was a great success. Subsequent meetings have been held in Magadan, Russia in 1994, Celle, Germany in 1998, Halifax, Canada in 2003, Tromso, Norway in 2007, Fairbanks, Alaska in 2010, and Trondheim, Norway in 2015. The most recent ICAM was in Stockholm, Sweden in 2018 and hosted by Stockholm University. It was attended by c. 90 persons from ten different countries. This volume is one of the results of ICAM VIII and its contents reflects the breadth of science presented at ICAM VIII with the diversity of the eleven manuscripts ranging from zircon U-Pb geochronology (both sedimentary and igneous rocks) to geophysics (gravity and reflection/refraction seismics) to glendonites (a calcite pseudomorph of the low-temperature, meta-stable mineral ikaite). The papers are broadly grouped by method and then by age from youngest to oldest. The first contribution by Vasilyeva et al. documents the δO and δC signatures of the bulk rock glendonite and its diagenetic cement from Jurassic sediments of the NE Russian platform. The next set of papers relate to igneous geochronology and geochemistry. Kostyleva et al. present new descriptive and glass geochemical data for the depositional context and paleontological age constraints associated with four sub-alkaline, high-K rhyolitic ash layers. Moiseev et al. focus on plagiogranites from the West Koryak fold belt, NE Russia. They present new U-Pb zircon ages for both Ediacaran and Permo-Triassic units and use geochemistry to confirm their arc settings. Koglin et al. present U-Pb zircon data indicating that a serpentinite from the Voykar Massif, Polar Urals is c. 542 Ma – they argue for zircon recycling via a subduction zone proximal to a continental margin. The next three papers relate to U-Pb detrital zircon (DZ) geochronology. Khudoley et al. present a reconnaissance investigation of the Triassic-Jurassic clastic rocks from Franz Josef Land and drill cores in the Russian Barents Sea. They document changes in both the DZ ages and in sediment chemistry which they interpret to reflect a late Triassic provenance shift. Investigating the provenance of DevonianCarboniferous clastic rocks, Prokopiev et al. correlate specific age peaks with known magmatic events and use this information to present revised paleotectonic reconstructions for the Devonian and Carboniferous. Presenting Mesoproterozoic to lower Cambrian DZ results from the St. Petersburg region, Ershova et al. use this data to infer the distal transport of Timanian detritus further onto the shield than previously thought. Two papers involve methods other than U-Pb geochronology. Using K-Ar dating and illite crystallinity, Meinhold et al. suggest that a c. 390–400 Ma tectono-thermal event recorded in the Gaissa Nappe Complex restricted to local shear zones was likely related to the late stage of Scandian orogenesis. Knudsen et al. present Ar-Ar (biotite) and DZ from Franz Josef Land. Combined with previously published Ar-Ar (muscovite) data, a Caledonian thermal overprint is invoked to extend the Caledonian deformation front to the east of Franz Josef Land. The final two papers in this volume focus on geophysical methods. Coakley et al. summarize the Arctic Gravity Project, which aims to present an improved data grid for the Arctic Ocean region in 2020. Jackson et al. present new data summarizing wide angle reflection and refraction data of the Alpha-Mendeleev Ridge. They argue for its genesis as a large igneous province, compare it to the Kerguelen Plateau, and suggest it also has continental affinities. I would like to thank all the participants for making it a great meeting. We had a great “Icebreaker” at Stockholm’s beautiful city hall (thank you city of Stockholm!) and we had beautiful weather at the conference dinner to enjoy the wonderful music of the Stockholm Stompers! I’d also like to thank all the folks at SU who assisted with the success of the GFF 2019, VOL. 141, NO. 4, 223–224 https://doi.org/10.1080/11035897.2019.1663917



尽管我们继续在北极进行陆上和近海研究,但由于北极地区地处偏远且交通不便、物流费用昂贵且复杂(在船上、海冰中、从北极地区工作),我们对北极地区地球科学的基础知识仍然有限。直升机、对付北极熊等),有时还有政治限制。我们仍在争论一些基本问题,例如北冰洋盆地是如何以及何时形成的,以及构成它的特征的岩石类型;构造地体与地层的对比;冰川、北冰洋冰和海平面历史;古生物学和考古学;过去的气候;以及冰河旁环境和冰冻圈的范围和状况。北极地球科学的研究对于了解地球历史和未来的许多方面及其资源潜力至关重要,环境敏感性,以及根据《联合国海洋法公约》第 76 条对扩展大陆架领土的主张。 北极边缘国际会议 (ICAM) 由美国海洋能源管理局(前身为矿产管理局)于 1991 年成立,当时正值北极研究正在进入一个开放合作的新阶段,以促进北极地球科学领域的理解和国际合作。它已成为致力于北极地球科学的首要会议。ICAM 是一个特别的独立论坛,不隶属于任何组织或政府。它由科学家在志愿者的基础上为科学家组织、主办、资助和开展,这使其成为一个独特的论坛。美国于1992年在阿拉斯加州安克雷奇举办了第一次会议,取得了巨大成功。随后的会议分别于 1994 年在俄罗斯马加丹、1998 年在德国策勒、2003 年在加拿大哈利法克斯、2007 年在挪威特罗姆瑟、2010 年在阿拉斯加费尔班克斯和 2015 年在挪威特隆赫姆举行。 最近的 ICAM 在斯德哥尔摩举行,瑞典于 2018 年由斯德哥尔摩大学主办。由 c 参加。来自十个不同国家的 90 人。本卷是 ICAM VIII 的成果之一,其内容反映了 ICAM VIII 展示的科学的广度,包括从锆石 U-Pb 年代学(沉积岩和火成岩)到地球物理学(重力和反射/折射地震)到格陵兰石(低温亚稳定矿物ikaite的方解石假形态)。这些论文大致按方法分组,然后按年龄从最小到最大分组。Vasilyeva 等人的第一个贡献。记录了来自俄罗斯东北台地侏罗纪沉积物的大块岩石菱镁矿及其成岩胶结物的 δ18O 和 δC 特征。下一组论文与火成岩年代学和地球化学有关。科斯泰尔瓦等人。为与四个亚碱性、高 K 流纹岩灰层相关的沉积背景和古生物年龄限制提供新的描述性和玻璃地球化学数据。莫伊谢耶夫等人。关注俄罗斯东北部西科里亚克褶皱带的斜长花岗岩。他们为埃迪卡拉纪和二叠纪-三叠纪单元提供了新的 U-Pb 锆石年龄,并使用地球化学来确认它们的弧设置。科格林等人。目前的 U-Pb 锆石数据表明来自极地乌拉尔 Voykar 地块的蛇纹岩是 c。542 Ma——他们主张通过靠近大陆边缘的俯冲带回收锆石。接下来的三篇论文与 U-Pb 碎屑锆石 (DZ) 年代学有关。库多利等人。介绍了对弗朗兹约瑟夫地的三叠纪-侏罗纪碎屑岩的勘察调查和俄罗斯巴伦支海的钻芯。他们记录了 DZ 年龄和沉积物化学的变化,他们将其解释为反映晚三叠世物源转变。调查泥盆纪石炭纪碎屑岩的来源,Prokopiev 等人。将特定的年龄峰值与已知的岩浆事件相关联,并使用这些信息来呈现泥盆纪和石炭纪的修正古构造重建。Ershova 等人提供了来自圣彼得堡地区的中元古代至低寒武纪 DZ 结果。使用这些数据来推断提曼尼亚碎屑的远侧运输比以前认为的更远地转移到盾牌上。两篇论文涉及 U-Pb 年代学以外的方法。Meinhold 等人使用 K-Ar 测年和伊利石结晶度。建议一个 c。Gaissa Nappe Complex 中记录的 390-400 Ma 构造-热事件仅限于局部剪切带,可能与斯堪的亚造山作用晚期有关。克努森等人。目前来自 Franz Josef Land 的 Ar-Ar(黑云母)和 DZ。结合先前公布的 Ar-Ar(白云母)数据,调用 Caledonian 热套印将 Caledonian 变形前沿延伸到 Franz Josef Land 以东。本卷的最后两篇论文侧重于地球物理方法。科克利等人。总结北极重力项目,该项目旨在在 2020 年为北冰洋地区提供改进的数据网格。杰克逊等人。呈现新的数据,总结了 Alpha-Mendeleev 山脊的广角反射和折射数据。他们认为它的起源是一个大型火成岩省,将其与凯尔盖朗高原进行比较,并认为它也与大陆有亲缘关系。我要感谢所有与会者使这次会议成为一场精彩的会议。我们在斯德哥尔摩美丽的市政厅(感谢斯德哥尔摩市)举办了一场很棒的“破冰活动”,我们在会议晚宴上天气晴朗,享受了斯德哥尔摩 Stompers 的美妙音乐!我还要感谢 SU 的所有人员,他们协助 GFF 2019 VOL 取得成功。141,没有。4、223–224 https://doi.org/10.1080/11035897.2019.1663917 他们认为它的起源是一个大型火成岩省,将其与凯尔盖朗高原进行比较,并认为它也与大陆有亲缘关系。我要感谢所有与会者使这次会议成为一场精彩的会议。我们在斯德哥尔摩美丽的市政厅(感谢斯德哥尔摩市)举办了一场很棒的“破冰活动”,我们在会议晚宴上天气晴朗,享受了斯德哥尔摩 Stompers 的美妙音乐!我还要感谢 SU 的所有人员,他们协助 GFF 2019 VOL 取得成功。141,没有。4、223–224 https://doi.org/10.1080/11035897.2019.1663917 他们认为它的起源是一个大型火成岩省,将其与凯尔盖朗高原进行比较,并认为它也与大陆有亲缘关系。我要感谢所有与会者使这次会议成为一场精彩的会议。我们在斯德哥尔摩美丽的市政厅(感谢斯德哥尔摩市)举办了一场很棒的“破冰活动”,我们在会议晚宴上天气晴朗,享受了斯德哥尔摩 Stompers 的美妙音乐!我还要感谢 SU 的所有人员,他们协助 GFF 2019 VOL 取得成功。141,没有。4、223–224 https://doi.org/10.1080/11035897.2019.1663917 ) 并且我们在会议晚宴上天气晴朗,可以欣赏斯德哥尔摩 Stompers 的美妙音乐!我还要感谢 SU 的所有人员,他们协助 GFF 2019 VOL 取得成功。141,没有。4、223–224 https://doi.org/10.1080/11035897.2019.1663917 ) 并且我们在会议晚宴上天气晴朗,可以欣赏斯德哥尔摩 Stompers 的美妙音乐!我还要感谢 SU 的所有人员,他们协助 GFF 2019 VOL 取得成功。141,没有。4、223–224 https://doi.org/10.1080/11035897.2019.1663917