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Cultivating Affection‐Laden Hierarchy: Embodied Moral Socialization of Vòng Tay (Khoanh Tay) with Children in Southern Vietnam
Ethos ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2019-09-16 , DOI: 10.1111/etho.12247
Heidi Fung , Mai Thị Thu

By adopting a discursive practice approach, this work examines how embodied deference rituals were practiced by Vietnamese children in the Mekong Delta region. Sixty‐two video‐recorded events of vòng tay/khoanh tay performed by 23 children (ages 1.5 to 12 years) were identified; of those, 51 events performed by 12 preschool‐aged children were most rigorous and demanding. On the occasions of greeting/departing, thanking, and apology/discipline and through various communicative channels, four‐generation caregivers played different roles to coach children in proper postural display and verbal respect with affection. Children actively participated in these recurrent family interactions and acquired the cultural meaning of affection‐laden social hierarchy at a young age. Such socialization practices ensure the stability of a hierarchical structure, strengthen the mutual bond between novices and their seniors or superiors, and lay the sociocultural foundation of politeness, filial piety, and sacrifice in the family and in society at large.[affection, embodied moral socialization, social hierarchy, Vietnamese children]


培养充满情感的阶层:越南南部带孩子的旺塔(Khoanh Tay)的道德道德社会化

通过采取话语练习的方法,这项工作研究了湄公河三角洲地区的越南儿童如何实践体现的尊重仪式。Vòngtay / khoanh tay的62个视频记录事件确定了23名儿童(1.5至12岁)的表演;其中,由12名学龄前儿童进行的51项活动最为严格且要求最高。在问候/离开,感谢和道歉/纪律的场合以及通过各种沟通渠道,四代照顾者扮演着不同的角色,以正确的姿势展示和口头表达对孩子的爱护。孩子们积极地参与了这些经常性的家庭互动,并在很小的时候就获得了充满情感的社会等级制度的文化含义。这种社会化做法确保了等级结构的稳定性,加强了新手与他们的上级或上级之间的相互联系,并奠定了在整个家庭和整个社会中礼貌,孝顺和牺牲的社会文化基础。