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Camera trapping of grey-faced petrel (Pterodroma gouldi) breeding burrows reveals interactions with introduced mammals throughout breeding season
Emu - Austral Ornithology ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2019-04-25 , DOI: 10.1080/01584197.2019.1595661
Lea M. Stolpmann 1 , Todd J. Landers 1, 2 , James C. Russell 1, 3

ABSTRACT Grey-faced Petrels (Pterodroma gouldi) are burrow-nesting seabirds endemic to New Zealand. They usually breed on mammal-free offshore islands along the North Island coast. Mechanisms by which breeding colonies can persist on the North Island with introduced mammals present are still uncertain. Motion-sensing video cameras were used in the Waitakere Ranges to determine the types of interaction between resident introduced mammal species and petrel breeding burrows. Existing predator control is reducing the total count of recorded interactions by predators, with rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) entering burrows dominating interactions. The interaction of ship rats (Rattus rattus) or rabbits with breeding burrows had no influence on egg-laying or chick-hatching success. Grey-faced Petrels remained in breeding burrows, despite high interaction frequencies of introduced mammals prior to the egg-laying stage. Whilst our data show no impact of mammalian visit rates on Grey-faced Petrel breeding success, other published studies suggest that population recovery might be enhanced by site-specific trapping and baiting methods which also target rabbits.


灰脸海燕(Pterodroma gouldi)繁殖洞穴的相机捕捉揭示了整个繁殖季节与引入的哺乳动物的相互作用

摘要 灰脸海燕 (Pterodroma gouldi) 是新西兰特有的穴居海鸟。它们通常在北岛沿岸没有哺乳动物的近海岛屿上繁殖。在引入哺乳动物的情况下,繁殖群能够在北岛持续存在的机制仍不确定。怀塔克雷山脉使用了动作感应摄像机来确定居民引入的哺乳动物物种与海燕繁殖洞穴之间的相互作用类型。现有的捕食者控制正在减少捕食者记录的相互作用的总数,兔子(Oryctolagus cuniculus)进入洞穴主导着相互作用。船鼠(Rattus rattus)或兔子与繁殖洞穴的相互作用对产卵或孵化小鸡的成功没有影响。灰脸海燕留在巢穴中繁殖,尽管在产卵阶段之前引入的哺乳动物的相互作用频率很高。虽然我们的数据显示哺乳动物访问率对灰面海燕繁殖成功没有影响,但其他已发表的研究表明,特定地点的诱捕和诱饵方法可能会增强种群恢复,这些方法也针对兔子。