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Passive uplift of plant and animal populations during mountain‐building
Cladistics ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2019-03-18 , DOI: 10.1111/cla.12368
Michael Heads 1

If a community and its substrate are raised by tectonic uplift, the species present can either die out in the area, survive in situ unchanged, or survive in situ with adaptation and differentiation. The large‐scale passive uplift of plant and animal populations during mountain‐building is accepted in a growing number of studies, but the idea has seldom been examined critically. If passive uplift does occur, it has implications for interpreting community structure and speciation in some of the most biodiverse places on Earth, tropical mountains. It would also provide a simple explanation for many altitudinal anomalies, such as the occurrence of typical coastal elements at unusually high altitudes in certain localities. Examples include the coastal saltmarsh plant Salicornia at 4200 m altitude in the rapidly uplifted Andes, coastal frogs and ferns in African mountains, and inland mangroves in New Guinea. The first aim of this paper is to review previous work on passive uplift worldwide and the main ideas that have been discussed. A second goal is to discuss possible tests of passive uplift.



如果一个群落及其基底因构造隆升而隆起,则现存物种要么在该地区灭绝,要么原地生存,要么在适应和分化的情况下就地生存。越来越多的研究接受了造山过程中动植物种群的大规模被动上升,但很少有人对这一想法进行批判性研究。如果被动抬升确实发生,它对解释地球上一些生物多样性最丰富的地方热带山脉的群落结构和物种形成具有重要意义。它还将为许多海拔异常提供一个简单的解释,例如在某些地方异常高的海拔上出现典型的沿海元素。例子包括海拔 4200 m 的沿海盐沼植物 Salicornia,位于快速隆起的安第斯山脉,非洲山区的沿海青蛙和蕨类植物,以及新几内亚的内陆红树林。本文的第一个目的是回顾以前在世界范围内被动抬升的工作以及已经讨论的主要思想。第二个目标是讨论被动抬升的可能测试。