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Morphogenesis of fruits and types of fruit of angiosperms
Botany Letters ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2019-10-18 , DOI: 10.1080/23818107.2019.1663448
Alexey V. F. Ch. Bobrov 1 , Mikhail S. Romanov 2

Morphological and anatomical fruit characters are used for description of morphogenetic fruit types within eight traditional fruit types – follicle, nutlet, drupe, berry, capsule, pyrenarium, amphisarca and nut, which describe the major diversity of fruits of all angiosperms. The traditional fruit types are representing levels of fruits organization and are described based on morphological characters (gynoecium type, carpels phyllotaxis, fruiting carpel dehiscence or indehiscence, number of seeds per fruit, and the presence or absence of the continuous sclerenchymatous zone in the fruit wall), whereas morphogenetic fruit types are described based on fruit wall (pericarp) anatomy. Fundamental differences between basal types of pericarp structure of the outlined morphogenetic fruit types lie in the localization (in the exocarp, specific zone of the mesocarp and/or endocarp) of the continuous sclerenchymatous zone, which secures protection of seeds, fruit dehiscence in follicles and capsules, and dissemination. Twenty seven morphogenetic fruit types are recognized in the current research: four types of follicle (Hakea, Illicium, Myristica and Talauma types), two types of nutlet (Nelumbo and Rosa types), three types of drupe (Laurus, Prunus and Rhapis types), two types of berrie (Schisandra and Nuphar types), seven types of capsule (Bombax, Eriocoelum, Forsythia, Galanthus, Hamamelis, Lilium and Nepenthes types), four types of pyrenarium (Butia, Ilex, Latania and Olea types), two types of amphisarca (Adansonia and Theobroma types), and three types of nut (Corylus, Polygonum and Centaurea types) in angiosperms. The modes of evolutionary transformations of main morphogenetic types of fruits are described.



形态和解剖学的果实特征用于描述八种传统果实类型中的形态发生果实类型-卵泡,坚果,核果,浆果,荚果,pyr草,两栖类和坚果,它们描述了所有被子植物果实的主要多样性。传统的水果类型代表水果的组织水平,并根据形态特征进行描述(妇科类型,心皮叶序,果皮开裂或裂开,每个水果的种子数以及果壁中是否存在连续的硬皮多发区),而基于果皮(果皮)解剖学来描述形态发生的果实类型。概述的形态发生果实类型的果皮结构基本类型之间的根本差异在于本地化(在外果皮中,硬皮连续区的中果皮和/或内果皮的特定区域),可确保保护种子,确保卵泡和荚膜中的果实开裂以及扩散。当前研究中识别出了27种形态发生果实类型:四种卵泡(Hakea,Illicium,肉豆蔻和Talauma型),两种坚果(Nelumbo和Rosa型),三种核果(Laurus,Prunus和Rhapis型)。 ,两种类型的浆果(Schisandra和Nuphar类型),七种胶囊(Bombax,Eriocoelum,连翘,Garanthus,金缕梅,百合和猪笼草类型),四种类型的of草(Butia,Ilex,Latania和Olea类型),两种类型被子植物中的两栖类(Adansonia和Theobroma类型)和三种坚果(Corylus,Polygonum和Centaurea类型)。
