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Unpacking Backlash: Individual and Contextual Moderators of Bias against Female Professors
Basic and Applied Social Psychology ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2019-09-03 , DOI: 10.1080/01973533.2019.1652178
Alexandra N. Fisher 1 , Danu Anthony Stinson 1 , Anastasija Kalajdzic 1

Abstract This research unpacks backlash against female professors by examining how individual characteristics and social context interact to predict student evaluations on RateMyProfessors.com. As predicted, students evaluated female professors in high-status departments more negatively than female professors in low-status departments, and this backlash effect was attenuated when the female professor was “hot.” Moreover, backlash was most pronounced for female professors who had been hired more recently and who were tough graders. A follow-up experiment replicated the main findings concerning status and attractiveness and suggested that perceived gender nonconformity may help to explain backlash against female professors.



摘要 本研究通过检查个人特征和社会背景如何相互作用来预测 RateMyProfessors.com 上的学生评价,从而消除了对女教授的强烈反对。正如预测的那样,学生对地位高的院系的女教授的评价比地位低的院系的女教授更负面,而当女教授“热”时,这种反弹效应会减弱。此外,对于最近被聘用并且成绩不好的女教授来说,强烈反对最为明显。一项后续实验复制了有关地位和吸引力的主要发现,并表明感知到的性别不一致可能有助于解释对女教授的强烈反对。