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Engagement with news on Twitter: insights from Australia and Korea
Asian Journal of Communication ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2018-04-17 , DOI: 10.1080/01292986.2018.1462393
Robert Ackland 1 , Mathieu O’Neil 1, 2 , Sora Park 2

ABSTRACT This study examines the patterns of news engagement among news consumers with different political affiliation and cultural background. We use computational methods and data from Twitter in a cross-country comparison of engagement with six online news sources in Australia and South Korea. For our analysis, we used a subset of Twitter users who retweeted at least one political story during the period of collection, and for whom we were able to predict political affiliation using correspondence analysis and data on Twitter follower ties to politicians. We find that right-wing Australian retweeters are more intense in their news engagement, compared with their left-wing counterparts, whereas in South Korea it was the opposite. Australian right-wing political retweeters have more diverse information sources, while there was no difference in information diversity between the right and left in South Korea. We discuss how the political situation in South Korea at the time of data collection may have affected our analysis. We emphasise the methodological contributions of our research and its connection to on-going research into the behavioural foundations of ‘filter bubbles’.


与 Twitter 上的新闻互动:来自澳大利亚和韩国的见解

摘要 本研究考察了具有不同政治派别和文化背景的新闻消费者之间的新闻参与模式。我们使用来自 Twitter 的计算方法和数据,对与澳大利亚和韩国的六个在线新闻来源的参与进行了跨国比较。在我们的分析中,我们使用了在收集期间至少转发了一个政治故事的 Twitter 用户的子集,并且我们能够使用对应分析和 Twitter 追随者与政客关系的数据来预测他们的政治派别。我们发现,与左翼同行相比,澳大利亚右翼转发者的新闻参与度更高,而在韩国则相反。澳大利亚右翼政治转发者的信息来源更加多样化,而韩国的左翼和右翼在信息多样性方面没有差异。我们讨论了收集数据时韩国的政治局势可能如何影响我们的分析。我们强调我们研究的方法论贡献及其与正在进行的“过滤气泡”行为基础研究的联系。