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Imaging a medieval shipwreck with the new PingPong 3D marine reflection seismic system
Archaeological Prospection ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-03-20 , DOI: 10.1002/arp.1735
Dennis Wilken 1 , Tina Wunderlich 1 , Hannes Hollmann 2 , Michaela Schwardt 1 , Wolfgang Rabbel 1 , Clemens Mohr 1 , Detlef Schulte‐Kortnack 1 , Oliver Nakoinz 3 , Jonas Enzmann 3 , Fritz Jürgens 3 , Feiko Wilkes 3

We present a new three‐dimensional (3D) marine seismic data acquisition system, named PingPong , developed for archaeological prospection in shallow water. Prospection targets for the system are ancient harbour sites and sedimented remains of shipwrecks. The prospection of such targets often means working at the transition from land to water, in areas of only a few meters of water depth and hardly accessible waters. An acquisition system for such environments needs to meet specific demands, especially low draught and marginal weight besides the requirements of archaeological prospection, meaning decimetre resolution and 3D imaging capabilities, together with fast multichannel acquisition to be able to cover large areas. We explain the properties of the PingPong system and show its imaging capabilities using the case study of a sedimented medieval shipwreck. The study area is located at the innermost part of the Baltic fjord Schlei, Germany. In 2014, divers found a wreck in this area, mostly covered by mud. Findings and two timbers, dated by dendrochronology, indicated that the wreck is a Scandinavian transport ship dating to the middle of the twelfth century and related to Schleswig, which is located 2 km northwest of the study area. We show that the PingPong system is able to image the major remains of the wooden wreck at the seafloor and underneath. The acquired seismic datacube has a resolution of 0.15 m. It shows a number of distinct reflections that can clearly be assigned to the shipwreck, helping to understand the overall condition of the wreck. The reflections originate from one half the ship's hull, which is tilted to the side. The reflections concentrate in the first metre below the seafloor and correlate well with the results from the diving prospection.


使用新型 PingPong 3D 海洋反射地震系统对中世纪沉船进行成像

我们提出了一种新的三维 (3D) 海洋地震数据采集系统,名为 PingPong,专为浅水考古勘探而开发。该系统的勘探目标是古老的港口遗址和沉船残骸。此类目标的勘探通常意味着在水深仅几米且难以接近的水域从陆地到水域的过渡区域工作。此类环境的采集系统需要满足特定需求,尤其是低吃水和边际重量,除了考古勘探的要求,即分米分辨率和 3D 成像能力,以及快速多通道采集以能够覆盖大面积。我们解释了 PingPong 系统的特性,并使用沉积的中世纪沉船的案例研究展示了其成像能力。研究区位于德国波罗的海峡湾 Schlei 的最深处。2014 年,潜水员在该地区发现了一艘沉船,大部分被泥土覆盖。通过树木年代学确定的发现和两块木材表明,这艘沉船是一艘可追溯至 12 世纪中叶的斯堪的纳维亚运输船,与位于研究区西北 2 公里处的石勒苏益格有关。我们表明,PingPong 系统能够对海底和下方的木制沉船的主要残骸进行成像。采集到的地震数据立方体的分辨率为 0.15 m。它显示了许多可以清楚地归因于沉船的不同反射,有助于了解沉船的整体状况。反射来自船体的一半,船体向一侧倾斜。反射集中在海底以下的第一米处,并且与潜水勘探的结果有很好的相关性。