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Females of southeastern United States species of Brachycentrus Curtis, 1984 (Trichoptera: Brachycentridae)
Aquatic Insects ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2019-05-22 , DOI: 10.1080/01650424.2019.1605079
Coleson F. Wrege 1 , John C. Morse 1

Abstract From 10 species of Brachycentrus Curtis, 1834 known from the southeastern United States, female genitalia of only five have been described so far. Herein, for the first time, we describe female genitalia of the following Brachycentrus species: B. appalachia Flint, 1984, B. chelatus Ross, 1947, B. lunatus Harrington and Morse, 2004, B. solomoni Flint, 1984 and B. spinae Ross, 1948. Female genitalia of B. etowahensis Wallace, 1971 are re-described. These were prepared from specimens of the Clemson University Arthropod Collection, Illinois Natural History Survey, US National Museum of Natural History, and from specimens collected in two streams in North Carolina. Based on characters of the female genitalia, a dichotomous key to all 10 southeastern US Brachycentrus species is included. Diagnostic characters are noted in the ventral and lateral shapes of fused abdominal segments IX/X, lobes of abdominal sternite VIII, and spermathecal sclerite.


美国东南部 Brachycentrus Curtis 物种的雌性,1984(毛翅目:Brachycentridae)

摘要 从 1834 年在美国东南部已知的 10 种 Brachycentrus Curtis 中,迄今仅描述了 5 种雌性生殖器。在此,我们首次描述了以下 Brachycentrus 物种的雌性生殖器:B. appalachia Flint,1984,B. chelatus Ross,1947,B. lunatus Harrington 和 Morse,2004,B. solomoni Flint,1984 和 B. spinae Ross, 1948. 重新描述了 B. etowahensis Wallace, 1971 的女性生殖器。这些是从克莱姆森大学节肢动物收藏、伊利诺伊州自然历史调查、美国国家自然历史博物馆和在北卡罗来纳州的两条溪流中收集的标本制备的。根据女性生殖器的特征,包括了美国东南部所有 10 种 Brachycentrus 物种的二分法。