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Regional inequality, spatial polarization and place mobility in provincial China: A case study of Jiangsu province
Applied Geography ( IF 4.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.apgeog.2020.102296
Yehua Dennis Wei , Yangyi Wu , Felix Haifeng Liao , Ling Zhang

Abstract This paper investigates regional inequality, spatial polarization, and places mobility in provincial China through a case study of Jiangsu province from a multi-scale and multi-dimensional framework. Based on policy changes and inequality indices, we divide the development trajectory of Jiangsu since the reform into three sub-periods: 1978–1993, 1994–2004, and 2004–2014. The analysis reveals that regional inequality and polarization have a similar pattern: fast growth during 1978–1993, fluctuating during 1994–2004, and stable decline after 2004. Place mobility stays low after 1994, mainly because of the growing accumulation of the developed area. After 2004 we can observe higher mobility, which, however, is not strong enough to change the core-periphery structure. The spatial measurements reflect the spatial agglomeration process, and the core-periphery structure has become clear and stable since 1994. Such findings are also confirmed by the clustering of self-organizing maps (SOM), which reveals local development trajectories in Jiangsu. This paper shows that a strong core-periphery structure increases spatial polarization and reduces place mobility, even though regional inequality does not intensify. More policies are needed to address the serious problems of spatial exclusion, the tremendous core-periphery gap, the persistent polarization among geographical regions and populations, and the decreasing place mobility. Our study calls for a more in-depth investigation of the multi-scale and multi-dimensional nature of spatial inequality and further analysis of the complexity of spatial inequality and the development of poorer regions.