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Roads and farming: the effect of infrastructure improvement on agricultural intensification in South-Western Kenya
Agrekon ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2018-10-02 , DOI: 10.1080/03031853.2018.1518149
Philemon Kiprono 1 , Tomoya Matsumoto 2

ABSTRACT Combining new longitudinal and geo-referenced road map data with household panel survey data targeting rural smallholder farmers in South-Western Kenya, we implement a fixed effect (FE) estimation with other controls to assess the causal impact of the change in road access from 2004 to 2012 on the change in farming practices such as hybrid seed adoption, fertiliser intensification, high value crops adoption and market participation for milk and cereals. We construct effective time distance indicators which measures the shortest driving time to the nearest market and nearest large town. We find evidence of diversification into high value crops farming, fertiliser intensification and milk market participation in areas experiencing improved roads. It suggests that the recent road infrastructure investment in South-Western Kenya foster agricultural productivity and market participation by rural smallholder farmers. Also, it implies that the investment has the pro-poor effect since the road improvement occurred in more remote areas.



摘要 将新的纵向和地理参考路线图数据与针对肯尼亚西南部农村小农户的家庭面板调查数据相结合,我们实施了固定效应 (FE) 估计和其他控制措施,以评估从2004 年至 2012 年关于农业实践的变化,例如采用杂交种子、肥料集约化、采用高价值作物以及牛奶和谷物的市场参与。我们构建了有效的时间距离指标,用于衡量到最近的市场和最近的大城市的最短行驶时间。我们发现了在道路改善的地区向高价值作物种植、肥料集约化和牛奶市场参与多元化的证据。它表明最近在肯尼亚西南部的道路基础设施投资促进了农业生产力和农村小农的市场参与。此外,这意味着投资具有扶贫效应,因为道路改善发生在更偏远的地区。