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Sexual cycle and seasonal expression of testosterone (T) in the testes of Sclerophrys mauritanica (Schlegel, 1841)
African Journal of Herpetology ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2017-07-03 , DOI: 10.1080/21564574.2017.1369170
Omar Kisserli 1 , Elara Moudilou 2 , Jean-Marie Exbrayat 2

Abstract Sclerophrys mauritanica is an anuran amphibian found in the wetlands of Beni-belaid, Jijel, Algeria. The animals are constrained by wet (from September until May) and dry (from June until August) seasons, however, the sexual cycle of males is continuous (all germ cells categories are present throughout the year). The aim of this study was to follow the changes in the reproductive organs of male toads during the annual breeding cycle using light microscopy. Our study was conducted over the period 2003 to 2005. The surfaces of testicular sections, interstitial tissue and Leydig cells, as well as the number of total seminiferous tubules with spermatozoa in bundles, were analysed. All showed monthly variations throughout the annual breeding cycle. For each year, the surface of testis sections and the number of spermatozoa in bundles fluctuate in the same way throughout the year, with a strong increase during the dry season (maximum in August) and a slow decrease until January. The surface of interstitial tissue remained stable, with the exception of a strong peak in August. Additionally, the surface of Leydig cells showed a substantial peak in May before the dry period. Finally, testosterone was observed every month of the year.


毛里塔尼亚硬鳞病睾丸中睾酮 (T) 的性周期和季节性表达 (Schlegel, 1841)

摘要 Scleophrys mauritanica 是一种发现于阿尔及利亚吉杰尔的贝尼贝莱德湿地的无尾两栖动物。动物受到潮湿(从九月到五月)和干燥(从六月到八月)季节的限制,但是,雄性的性周期是连续的(所有生殖细胞类别全年都存在)。本研究的目的是使用光学显微镜跟踪一年一度的繁殖周期中雄性蟾蜍生殖器官的变化。我们的研究是在 2003 年至 2005 年期间进行的。分析了睾丸切片、间质组织和 Leydig 细胞的表面,以及带有成束精子的曲细精管总数。在整个年度繁殖周期中,所有这些都显示出每月的变化。对于每一年,睾丸切片表面和成束精子数全年波动幅度相同,在旱季(8月最大)时增加强烈,直到1月才缓慢减少。间质组织表面保持稳定,但8月份出现了一个强烈的峰值。此外,Leydig 细胞的表面在干燥期之前的 5 月出现了实质性的峰值。最后,一年中的每个月都会观察到睾丸激素。