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Aquatic invasive species and ecosystem services: Economic effects of the worm Marenzelleria spp. in the Baltic Sea
Water Resources and Economics ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2018-03-02 , DOI: 10.1016/j.wre.2018.02.003
Ing-Marie Gren , Antonia Nyström Sandman , Johan Näslund

Impacts of alien marine species on ecosystem services have been documented in numerous studies, but estimates of the costs, with explicit quantification of the impact channels, are lacking. We calculated the costs of the invasive worm Marenzelleria in the Baltic Sea, which affects the capacity of the seabed to store nutrients, by combining the production function and replacement cost methods. The nutrient storage capacity is then regarded as an input to nutrient cleaning of the sea, with reduced capacity implying higher costs of reaching nutrient reduction targets. We developed a simple dynamic model which captured the effect of Marenzelleria on the decay rates of nutrient pools in different interconnected sea basins of the Baltic Sea. Evidence and numerical estimates indicated a decrease in sequestration of phosphorus in the different sea basins caused by occurrence of the invasive worm. The total discounted cost of this decrease was estimated for two different international nutrient policy scenarios; cost-effective abatement and current international agreement on country targets. The results showed large differences in total abatement costs between these scenarios, but the calculated cost of the species were similar. The estimated cost ranged between 290 and 1094 billion SEK, depending on the effect of Marenzelleria on sequestration of phosphorus. The average annual cost corresponds to 0.03–0.13% of total gross domestic product of the nine coastal countries. However, the cost was unevenly distributed among the countries, with Poland bearing the largest share because of its large phosphorus loads and access to low-cost abatement options.


水生入侵物种和生态系统服务:蠕虫Marenzelleria spp的经济影响。在波罗的海

许多研究已经记录了外来海洋物种对生态系统服务的影响,但缺乏对影响渠道进行明确量化的成本估算。通过结合生产函数和替代成本方法,我们计算了波罗的海的入侵蠕虫马伦泽列虫的成本,该成本会影响海床存储养分的能力。然后将养分存储量视为海洋养分清洁的输入,而减少的养分量意味着达到养分减少目标的成本较高。我们开发了一个简单的动态模型,该模型捕获了Marenzelleria的效果波罗的海不同互连海盆地养分池的衰减速率 证据和数值估计表明,由于侵袭性蠕虫的发生,不同海域磷的固存减少了。对于两种不同的国际营养政策方案,估计了这种减少的总折现成本;具有成本效益的减排以及有关国家目标的现行国际协议。结果表明,这些情景之间的总减排成本差异很大,但该物种的计算成本相似。估计成本介于290到10,940亿瑞典克朗之间,具体取决于马伦茨勒的影响螯合磷。年平均成本相当于九个沿海国家国内生产总值的0.03-0.13%。但是,成本在国家之间分配不均,波兰所占的份额最大,这是因为磷含量高,并且可获得低成本的减排方案。
