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Assessment of the Efficiency of Armenian Seismological Networks
Seismic Instruments ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-16 , DOI: 10.3103/s0747923920010041
V. Yu. Burmin , A. M. Avetisyan , K. S. Kazaryan


For successful prediction of strong earthquakes, seismic risk zoning, and earthquake-resistant construction, it is necessary above all to have a sufficiently clear understanding of the hypocentral distribution of earthquakes in the area in question. In order to determine the position of earthquake foci with high accuracy, it is necessary to have an observation system capable of this. The modern seismological network in the Republic of Armenia (RA) essentially consists of two independent networks that barely interact with each other. Moreover, each network uses its own data processing methods (for determining hypocenters and travel-time curves). One network belongs to the National Seismic Protection Service under the Ministry of Emergencies of the Republic of Armenia (NSPS RA) and consists of 16 stations; the other is subordinate to the Institute of Geology of RA National Academy of Sciences (IG NAS RA) and hosts 14 seismic stations. Both networks are set up unevenly in the territory of Armenia, and each has its own disadvantages. The IG NAS RA network is sparser (with only 14 stations), and its stations are located only in northwestern Armenia. Therefore, it cannot accurately localize the hypocenters of earthquakes throughout the republic. The NSPS RA network consists of 16 stations. They are also located unevenly across Armenia, but at the same time, they encompass the southeastern part of the country. Calculations have been performed and maps compiled of the distribution of minimum energy classes and maximum errors in determining hypocentral coordinates of earthquakes recorded both separately by the IGN NAS RA and NSPS RA networks and by the integrated seismic network. It is shown that when the networks are combined, localization of earthquake hypocenters improves somewhat, but the territory between northwestern and southeastern Armenia remains virtually uncovered. This is because, at present, the stations of both existing networks, on the one hand, duplicate each other in some cases, while on the other, they are located unevenly across the territory. To obtain more accurate and reliable information, it is better to have a single network with be uniformly placed throughout the republic.




为了成功预测强地震,地震危险性分区和抗震构造,最重要的是必须对所涉地区地震的震中分布有足够清楚的了解。为了高精度地确定地震震源的位置,需要具有能够做到这一点的观测系统。亚美尼亚共和国(RA)的现代地震网络基本上由两个相互之间几乎不相互作用的独立网络组成。此外,每个网络都使用自己的数据处理方法(用于确定震源和传播时间曲线)。一个网络属于亚美尼亚共和国紧急部(NSPS RA)下的国家地震保护局,由16个站点组成;另一个隶属于RA国家科学院地质研究所(IG NAS RA),拥有14个地震台站。这两个网络在亚美尼亚领土上的建立都不平衡,每个都有其自身的劣势。IG NAS RA网络较为稀疏(只有14个站点),其站点仅位于亚美尼亚西北部。因此,它无法准确定位整个共和国的地震震源。NSPS RA网络由16个站点组成。它们在亚美尼亚各地分布不均,但同时也包围了该国的东南部地区。在确定地震的震中坐标时,已进行了计算并绘制了最小能量类别和最大误差的分布图,这些地震由IGN NAS RA和NSPS RA网络以及综合地震网分别记录。结果表明,将这些网络合并后,地震震源的局部性有所改善,但亚美尼亚西北部和东南部之间的领土实际上仍未被发现。这是因为,目前,两个现有网络的站点在某些情况下一方面相互复制,另一方面,它们在整个领土上分布不均。为了获得更准确和可靠的信息,最好将单个网络统一放置在整个共和国内。结果表明,将这些网络合并后,地震震源的局部性有所改善,但亚美尼亚西北部和东南部之间的领土实际上仍未被发现。这是因为,目前,两个现有网络的站点在某些情况下一方面相互复制,另一方面,它们在整个领土上分布不均。为了获得更准确和可靠的信息,最好将单个网络统一放置在整个共和国内。结果表明,如果将这些网络合并在一起,地震震源的定位会有所改善,但亚美尼亚西北部和东南部之间的领土实际上仍未被发现。这是因为,目前,两个现有网络的站点在某些情况下一方面相互复制,另一方面,它们在整个领土上分布不均。为了获得更准确和可靠的信息,最好将单个网络统一放置在整个共和国内。它们在整个领土上分布不均。为了获得更准确和可靠的信息,最好将单个网络统一放置在整个共和国内。它们在整个领土上分布不均。为了获得更准确和可靠的信息,最好将单个网络统一放置在整个共和国内。