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Probabilistic modelling of events at evisceration during slaughtering of pigs using expert opinion: Quantitative data in support of stochastic models of risk of contamination
Microbial Risk Analysis ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2018-10-26 , DOI: 10.1016/j.mran.2018.10.001
Matteo Crotta , Elena Luisi , Nikolaos Dadios , Javier Guitian

The evisceration stage is one of the most critical steps in the slaughtering process of pigs when considering the risk of carcass contamination. Unfortunately, it is also characterized by a number of fundamental quantitative data gaps preventing modellers from reproducing events in probabilistic terms. Recognising the practical difficulties that a systematic data collection would imply, in this study we modelled the answers of structured questionnaires submitted to eleven veterinarians (official veterinarians/meat hygiene inspectors) working in pig abattoirs to provide ready-to-use probability distributions in support of future quantitative risk assessments. The questions were aimed at modelling the occurrence of ruptured gut (PGUT) and gallbladders (PGALL) during evisceration procedures, the amount of faecal (FL) and bile (BL) contamination dropping on the carcass, the probability of internal cavities (PIFB) and external surface (PEFB) being contaminated and the conditional probability of partial condemnation of the carcasses (as unfit for human consumption) as a function of the level of contamination (PCSa). The answers were weighted according to the level of confidence each expert had in their own estimation. Out of 10,000 simulated values, PGUT and PGALL were higher in small (Mean = 0.048 and 0.035) compared to high (Mean = 0.021 and 0.016) or middle (Mean = 0.025 and 0.019) throughput abattoirs. The cumulative distributions describing FL and BL produced 50th and 90th percentile values of 24.5 g and 19.9 g (50th percentile) and 88.7 g and 68.8 g (90th percentile), indicating the level of contamination is generally low. The distributions describing both PIF and PEF and those describing PIB and PEB show comparable shapes suggesting there are no significant differences in the likelihoods of those events when considering the faecal and bile contamination respectively. Finally, the results obtained for PCSa suggested that common linear or nonlinear relationships are not adequate to describe the probability of a carcass being partially condemned as a function of the dose. Highly contaminated carcasses are not unlikely to be detained for manual removal of visible contamination rather than partially condemned, indicating that factors other than the amount of contamination are driving this relationship. With this study, we made use of the experience of eleven meat hygiene inspectors/official veterinarians to provide quantitative information on the key events occurring during evisceration. As presented, the probability distributions can be directly used to inform and integrate probabilistic models aimed at estimating to the risk of human exposure to foodborne pathogens through consumption of pork products.



考虑到of体污染的风险,除猪阶段是生猪屠宰过程中最关键的步骤之一。不幸的是,它的特征还在于许多基本的定量数据空白,阻止建模者以概率的方式重现事件。认识到系统数据收集将带来的实际困难,在本研究中,我们对提交给十一位在猪屠宰场工作的兽医(官方兽医/肉类卫生检查员)的结构化问卷的回答进行了建模,以提供现成的概率分布来支持未来的定量风险评估。这些问题旨在模拟破裂的肠(P GUT)和胆囊(P GALL)的发生。)在内脏切除过程中,粪便(F L)和胆汁(B L)的污染量降到屠体上,出现内腔的可能性(P一世F-)和外表面(PËF-)受到污染,且and体部分受谴责的条件概率(不适合人类食用)随污染水平的变化而变化(PC小号一种)。根据每个专家对自己的估计的置信度对答案进行加权。在10,000个模拟值中,小(均值= 0.048和0.035)或中等(均值= 0.025和0.019)屠宰场的P GUTP GALL较高。描述F LB L的累积分布产生的第50和第90个百分位数分别为24.5 g和19.9 g(第50个百分位数)以及88.7 g和68.8 g(第90个百分位数),表明污染程度通常较低。描述P IFP EF的分布以及描述P的分布IBP EB显示可比较的形状,表明分别考虑粪便和胆汁污染时,这些事件的可能性没有显着差异。最后,获得的结果PC小号一种提示常见的线性或非线性关系不足以描述a体部分剂量的概率。高度污染的屠体不太可能因手工清除可见污染物而被扣留,而不是被部分谴责,这表明除污染量以外的其他因素正在推动这种关系。通过这项研究,我们利用了11名肉类卫生检查员/官方兽医的经验来提供有关在内脏切除过程中发生的关键事件的定量信息。如前所述,概率分布可以直接用于告知和整合概率模型,以估计人类通过食用猪肉产品而暴露于食源性病原体的风险。
