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Parametric study and design guidelines for rigid wheels for planetary rovers
Journal of Terramechanics ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2019-10-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jterra.2019.06.002
Hiroaki Inotsume , Scott Moreland , Krzysztof Skonieczny , David Wettergreen

Abstract This paper addresses the design of rigid wheels for planetary rovers in loose, granular soil. Wheel surface features, such as grousers, are known to improve tractive capability in planetary-relevant soils. However there are no comprehensive design guidelines for these wheel features. In this research, a series of intensive and extensive parametric studies were carried out in full-scale vehicle slope experiments and single-wheel tests that assess the influence of grouser count, height, orientation, and end-cap in various longitudinal and lateral slip conditions. This work also investigates the traction process of grousers based on a soil flow imaging technique. The soil motion analysis reveals that grousers reduce forward soil flow/motion resistance and increase net traction. A grouser design formula is derived from the soil flow observation, and design guidelines of rigid wheels of planetary rovers for loose soil are proposed based on these results. The proposed guidelines are applied to the modification of grouser design of the Mars Science Laboratory rover to improve tractive performance on loose terrain.



摘要 本文讨论了在松散颗粒状土壤中行星探测器的刚性轮设计。众所周知,车轮表面特征(例如履带)可以提高行星相关土壤中的牵引能力。但是,没有针对这些车轮特征的综合设计指南。在这项研究中,在全尺寸车辆坡度试验和单轮试验中进行了一系列深入而广泛的参数研究,以评估在各种纵向和横向滑动条件下履带齿数、高度、方向和端盖的影响. 这项工作还基于土壤流成像技术研究了履带式履带板的牵引过程。土壤运动分析表明,履带式履带板可减少向前的土壤流动/运动阻力并增加净牵引力。通过土壤流动观测推导出履带式履带式履带式履带式履带式履带式履带式履带式履带式履带式履带式履带式履带式履带式履带履带履带式履带履带履带式履带履带履带履带履带履带履带式履带履带式履带式履带式履带履带履带履带式履带式履带式履带履带式履带履带履带履带履带履带式履带式履带式履带履带式履带式履带履带式履带式履带式履带式履带式履带式履带式履带式履带式履带式履带式履带式履带式履带钻履,一种适用于松散土壤的履带式履带式履带式履带式履带式履带车,并在此基础上提出了适用于松散土壤的行星车刚性轮设计指导原则。拟议的指导方针应用于修改火星科学实验室漫游车的履带板设计,以提高在松散地形上的牵引性能。