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An integrated approach towards service composition life cycle: A transportation process case study
Journal of Industrial Information Integration ( IF 15.7 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-08 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jii.2019.01.001
Selwa Elfirdoussi , Zahi Jarir

In Web Service research, providing methods and tools to cater for automatic composition of services on the Web is still the object of ongoing research activity. Despite the proposed approaches, this issue remains open. Our current contribution deals with this topic and presents a Dynamic Web Service Composition Framework (DWSC). The DWSC behavior is based mainly on two components: service dynamic designer (WSDD) and service selection based on popularity (WSSP) to propose a composite service. The DWSC architecture, designed to automatically compose services based on popularity, has the advantage of proposing a list of suggested web services according the user request from a service repository and presenting a dynamic orchestration based on the selected web services. Further, we present a practical case study according the transportation process on supply chain, examples and experimental results that demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of our work.



