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Possible correlations between gamma-ray burst and its host galaxy offset
Journal of High Energy Astrophysics ( IF 10.2 ) Pub Date : 2018-03-29 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jheap.2018.03.001
Fei-Fei Wang , Yuan-Chuan Zou , Yu Liu , Bin Liao , Reetanjali Moharana

We collected the information of 304 gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) from the literature, and analyzed the correlations among the host galaxy offsets (the distance from the site of the GRB to the center of its host galaxy), T90,i (the duration T90 in rest-frame), TR45,i (the duration TR45 in rest-frame), Eγ,iso (the isotropic equivalent energy), Lγ,iso (=Eγ,iso/T90,i, the isotropic equivalent luminosity) and Lpk (peak luminosity). We found that T90,i, TR45,i, Eγ,iso, Lpk have negative correlation with offset, which is consistent with origin of short GRBs (SGRBs) and long GRBs (LGRBs). On separate analysis, we found similar results for logEγ,isolog(offset) and logLpklog(offset) relations in case of SGRBs only, while no obvious relation for LGRBs. There is no correlations between offset and Lγ,iso. We also put the special GRB 170817A and GRB 060218A on the plots. The two GRBs both have low luminosity and small offset. In the log(offset)logT90,i plot, we found GRB 170817A locates in between the two regions of SGRBs and LGRBs and it is the outlier in the offsetEγ,iso, offsetLγ,iso and offsetLpk plots. Together with GRB 060218A being an outlier in all plots, it indicates the speciality of GRBs 170817A and 060218A, and might imply more subgroups of the GRB samples.



我们从文献中收集了304个伽马射线暴(GRB)的信息,并分析了宿主星系偏移量(从GRB的位置到其宿主星系中心的距离)之间的相关性, Ť90一世 (持续时间 Ť90 在其余帧中), ŤR45一世 (持续时间 ŤR45 在其余帧中), Ëγiso (各向同性等效能量), 大号γiso=Ëγiso/Ť90一世,各向同性等效光度)和 大号pk(峰值亮度)。我们发现Ť90一世ŤR45一世Ëγiso大号pk与偏移量呈负相关,这与短GRB(SGRB)和长GRB(LGRB)的起源一致。在单独的分析中,我们发现日志Ëγiso-日志抵消日志大号pk-日志抵消仅在SGRB的情况下存在关系,而与LGRB的关系则不明显。偏移量和大号γiso。我们还将特殊GRB 170817A和GRB 060218A放在地块上。两个GRB均具有较低的亮度和较小的偏移。在里面日志抵消-日志Ť90一世 图中,我们发现GRB 170817A位于SGRB和LGRB的两个区域之间,它是 抵消-Ëγiso抵消-大号γiso抵消-大号pk情节。与GRB 060218A在所有图中都是一个异常值一起,它表明GRB 170817A和060218A的特长,并且可能意味着GRB样本的更多子组。
