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Present Day Geokinematics of Central Europe
Journal of Geodynamics ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jog.2019.101652
A. Caporali , J. Zurutuza , M. Bertocco , M. Ishchenko , O. Khoda

Abstract Based on a set of rigorously computed velocities of GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems) sites of the CEGRN (Central European GNSS Research Network) we identify a number of areas with large scale tectonic structures and interpolate the velocities to the profiles by least squares collocation. The resulting velocity field provides an invaluable data set for the investigation of present day crustal deformation at the continental scale. We present six velocity profiles covering structural features of Central Eastern Europe and at the same time well populated by GNSS sites, to minimize interpolation errors. One N-S profile samples the stretching of the crust in the Balkan-Aegean region, three E-W profiles sample the part of Central Europe north of the Black Sea, one SW-NE profile crosses the Trans European Suture Zone. A sixth profile outlines the shear deformation associated with the eastward extrusion of the Eastern Alps towards the Pannonian Basin. Analytical modelling of the first and last profiles, for which there is a significant deformation, provides quantitative constraints on the relation between back arc retreat and extensional deformation in the continental crust (Aegean-Balkan profile), and model parameters such as the locking depth of faults accommodating the lateral extrusion of the Eastern Alps. For the four remaining profiles, across the TESZ and the Central Europe through the Carpathians, we report a westward velocity East of the TESZ and Carpathians. The velocities appear to drop West of these structures, suggesting that in a conventional ‘European fixed’ reference frame the East European Craton is generating a small compressional strain in a nearly E-W direction. We show by analytical modelling in an elastic half space that this compression can be accommodated by slip between 8 and 25 mm/yr along fault planes at crustal depths and aligned to the Carpathian orogeny.



摘要 基于一组经过严格计算的 CEGRN(中欧 GNSS 研究网络)的 GNSS(全球导航卫星系统)站点的速度,我们确定了许多具有大规模构造结构的区域,并通过最小二乘搭配将速度插入到剖面中。 . 由此产生的速度场为研究当今大陆尺度的地壳变形提供了宝贵的数据集。我们提出了六个速度剖面,涵盖了中东欧的结构特征,同时由 GNSS 站点填充,以最大限度地减少插值误差。一个 NS 剖面对巴尔干-爱琴海地区地壳的拉伸进行采样,三个 EW 剖面对黑海以北的中欧部分进行采样,一个 SW-NE 剖面穿过跨欧洲缝合带。第六个剖面概述了与东阿尔卑斯山向东向潘诺尼亚盆地挤压相关的剪切变形。对存在显着变形的首尾剖面的分析建模,为大陆地壳(爱琴海-巴尔干剖面)中弧后退和伸展变形之间的关系提供了定量约束,以及模型参数,如锁定深度适应东阿尔卑斯山横向挤压的断层。对于其余四个剖面,穿过 TESZ 和中欧,穿过喀尔巴阡山脉,我们报告了 TESZ 和喀尔巴阡山脉以东的向西速度。速度似乎下降到这些结构的西边,表明在传统的“欧洲固定”参考系中,东欧克拉通正在产生一个接近 EW 方向的小压缩应变。我们通过在弹性半空间中的分析模型表明,这种压缩可以通过沿地壳深度的断层面以 8 到 25 毫米/年的速度滑动并与喀尔巴阡山脉对齐。