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Normal numbers and nested perfect necklaces
Journal of Complexity ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-03-18 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jco.2019.03.003
Verónica Becher , Olivier Carton

M. B. Levin used Sobol–Faure low discrepancy sequences with Pascal triangle matrices modulo 2 to construct, a real number x such that the first N terms of the sequence (2nxmod1)n1 have discrepancy O((logN)2N). This is the lowest discrepancy known for this kind of sequences. In this note we characterize Levin’s construction in terms of nested perfect necklaces, which are a variant of the classical de Bruijn sequences. Moreover, we show that every real number x whose binary expansion is the concatenation of nested perfect necklaces of exponentially increasing order satisfies that the first N terms of (2nxmod1)n1 have discrepancy O((logN)2N). For the order being a power of 2, we give the exact number of nested perfect necklaces and an explicit method based on matrices to construct each of them. The computation of the nth digit of the binary expansion of a real number built from nested perfect necklaces requires O(logn) elementary mathematical operations.



MB Levin使用Sobol–Faure低差异序列和Pascal三角矩阵模2来构造实数 X 这样第一个 ñ 序列项 2ñX1个ñ1个 有差异 Ø日志ñ2ñ。这是此类序列已知的最低差异。在本说明中,我们用嵌套式完美项链来描述Levin的构造,该项链是经典de Bruijn序列的变体。而且,我们表明每个实数X 其二进位扩展是嵌套的完美项链的指数级递增连接,这满足了第一个 ñ 条件 2ñX1个ñ1个 有差异 Ø日志ñ2ñ。对于阶次为2的幂,我们给出了精确数量的嵌套式完美项链,并给出了一个基于矩阵的显式方法来构造每条项链。的计算ñ由嵌套式完美项链构建的实数的二进制扩展的第一个数字需要 Ø日志ñ 基本数学运算。
