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Anticipointment Detection in Event Tweets
International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-01 , DOI: 10.1142/s0218213020400011
F. Kunneman 1 , M. van Mulken 2 , A. van den Bosch 3

We developed a system to detect positive expectation, disappointment, and satisfaction in tweets that refer to events automatically discovered in the Twitter stream. The emotional content shared on Twitter when referring to public events can provide insights into the presumed and experienced quality of the event. We expected to find a connection between positive expectation and disappointment, a succession that is referred to as anticipointment. The application of computational approaches makes it possible to detect the presence and strength of this hypothetical relation for a large number of events. We extracted events from a longitudinal dataset of Dutch Twitter posts, and modeled classifiers to detect emotion in the tweets related to those events by means of hashtag-labeled training data. After classifying all tweets before and after the events in our dataset, we summarized the collective emotions for over 3000 events as the percentage of tweets classified as positive expectation (in anticipation), disappointment and satisfaction (in hindsight). Only a weak correlation of around 0.2 was found between positive expectation and disappointment, while a higher correlation of 0.6 was found between positive expectation and satisfaction. The most anticipointing events were events with a clear loss, such as a canceled event or when the favored sports team had lost. We conclude that senders of Twitter posts might be more inclined to share satisfaction than disappointment after a much anticipated event.



我们开发了一个系统来检测推文中的积极期望、失望和满意度,这些推文指的是在 Twitter 流中自动发现的事件。当提到公共事件时,在 Twitter 上分享的情感内容可以提供对事件的假定和体验质量的洞察。我们期望在积极的期望和失望之间找到联系,这种连续性被称为预期。计算方法的应用使得检测大量事件的这种假设关系的存在和强度成为可能。我们从荷兰 Twitter 帖子的纵向数据集中提取事件,并建模分类器以通过标签标记的训练数据检测与这些事件相关的推文中的情绪。在对我们数据集中事件之前和之后的所有推文进行分类后,我们将 3000 多个事件的集体情绪总结为分类为积极期望(预期)、失望和满意(事后)的推文的百分比。积极期望和失望之间只有0.2左右的弱相关性,而积极期望和满意度之间的相关性较高,为0.6。最令人期待的事件是明显失败的事件,例如取消的事件或最喜欢的运动队输了。我们得出的结论是,Twitter 帖子的发件人可能更倾向于在备受期待的事件发生后分享满意而不是失望。我们将 3000 多个事件的集体情绪总结为分类为积极期望(预期)、失望和满意(事后)的推文的百分比。积极期望和失望之间只有0.2左右的弱相关性,而积极期望和满意度之间的相关性较高,为0.6。最令人期待的事件是明显失败的事件,例如取消的事件或最喜欢的运动队输了。我们得出的结论是,Twitter 帖子的发件人可能更倾向于在备受期待的事件发生后分享满意而不是失望。我们将 3000 多个事件的集体情绪总结为分类为积极期望(预期)、失望和满意(事后)的推文的百分比。积极期望和失望之间只有0.2左右的弱相关性,而积极期望和满意度之间的相关性较高,为0.6。最令人期待的事件是明显失败的事件,例如取消的事件或最喜欢的运动队输了。我们得出的结论是,Twitter 帖子的发件人可能更倾向于在备受期待的事件发生后分享满意而不是失望。6 在积极期望和满意之间被发现。最令人期待的事件是明显失败的事件,例如取消的事件或最喜欢的运动队输了。我们得出的结论是,Twitter 帖子的发件人可能更倾向于在备受期待的事件发生后分享满意而不是失望。6 在积极期望和满意之间被发现。最令人期待的事件是明显失败的事件,例如取消的事件或最喜欢的运动队输了。我们得出的结论是,Twitter 帖子的发件人可能更倾向于在备受期待的事件发生后分享满意而不是失望。