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Aequiloboidea: A new Early Jurassic ammonite superfamily of the Mediterranean Tethys
Geobios ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2010-11-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.geobios.2010.05.002
Massimiliano Bilotta

Abstract A comprehensive outline of the Jurassic ammonoid superfamily Aequiloboidea is here presented: this group is known from? Rhaetian-early Hettangian to early Pliensbachian and it is exclusively found within the Mediterranean Tethys (Austrian Alps, Bavarian Prealps, Tuscany, Umbria-Marche and Abruzzi Apennines, Morocco, Tunisia, western Hungary). On the basis of the available documentation, it is composed by two families (Aequilobidae and Sinuiceratidae), to which five genera belong: Aequilobus Bilotta (previously informally indicated as “genus from Monte Bove”), Dudresnayiceras Rakus, Sinuiceras Venturi and Ferri, and Sphenoacanthites Venturi, Nannarone and Bilotta, plus Xenoloboceras nov. gen., which position at the family level is uncertain. All of them share a peculiar combination of morpho-structural characters, which was never observed in any form referable to known groups. Due to the particularities presented by the Aequiloboidea and to the scarce documentation on the earliest Jurassic in the Mediterranean regions, it is currently impossible to demonstrate that this taxon originated within any of the already-known Jurassic ammonoid orders (Phylloceratida and Psiloceratida). An at least partially independent derivation cannot be excluded, as suggested also by the results of a cladistic analysis.



摘要 这里介绍了侏罗纪菊石总科 Aequiloboidea 的全面概述:这个群体是从什么地方知道的?雷蒂亚阶-赫唐阶早期至普连斯巴阶早期,仅在地中海特提斯山脉(奥地利阿尔卑斯山脉、巴伐利亚前阿尔卑斯山脉、托斯卡纳、翁布里亚-马尔凯和阿布鲁齐亚平宁山脉、摩洛哥、突尼斯、匈牙利西部)内发现。根据现有文献,它由两个科(Aequilobidae 和 Sinuiceratidae)组成,属于五个属:Aequilobus Bilotta(以前非正式地表示为“来自 Monte Bove 的属”)、Dudresnayiceras Rakus、Sinuiceras Venturi 和 Ferri,以及Sphenoacanthites Venturi、Nannarone 和 Bilotta,以及 Xenoloboceras nov。gen.,在家庭层面上的位置是不确定的。它们都具有形态结构特征的奇特组合,从来没有以任何与已知群体相关的形式观察到。由于 Aequiloboidea 的特殊性以及地中海地区最早侏罗纪的文献稀缺,目前无法证明该分类群起源于任何已知的侏罗纪菊目(Phylloceratida 和 Psiloceratida)。不能排除至少部分独立的推导,正如分支分析的结果所暗示的那样。